with selected book reviews
Above, aptly named Lex (a lexicon is a dictionary)
who was a rescue dog with New England Border Collie Rescue
Her photo serves as the logo for
The Shepherd's Dog online bookstore
where many of the books on this Bibliography can be found
(See my sheepdog library on LibraryThing.com.)
Notes: A question mark (?) after an entry means sheepdog content negligible or non-existent (these books were included because of their contribution to the background or history of the Border Collie and therefore may be of interest to the Border Collie enthusiast). Many entries are from the compiler's own bibliography or material in her own collection (*). Special thanks to North East Border Collie Association (NEBCA), United States Border Collie Club (USBCC), Kathy Kemper, and DogDazes.com for information gleaned from their bibliographies; and to the following people who shared titles or material from their collections: Barbara Carpenter, Nancy Keller, Jane Porter, David Probert, Linda Rorem, and Pat Kuchma. All book reviews are by the compiler, Carole Presberg, unless otherwise noted. Those in quotes came from unknown sources. This list is extensive, but not necessarily exhaustive. If you know of other books, articles, periodicals, or videos that can be added to this list, please e-mail us at: carole@woolgather.org
Aaron, Chester Duchess, J.B. Lippincott, 1982. Marty, a 13-year-old boy, escapes jail by agreeing to spend some time on his uncle's sheep ranch in California. He thinks he has what he wants: freedom privacy, and independence. Then he meets Duchess. Aaster, Mary The Flock, 1906. Early sheep farming in USA.
Adams, Richard The Plague Dogs, Penguin Books Ltd., 1977. Paper. Fiction.* This book, by the author of Watership Down, is a condemnation of the use of animals for experimental research. Two dogs, who have been very ill used for this purpose, escape from a research station in the Lake District in the north of England. A large black mongrel and a terrier, both of whom had been pets before they were kidnapped, struggle to survive on the rough fells. Aside from the drama of the story, compelling to all those who care about animals, there is a wonderful scene of special interest to Border Collie enthusiasts, when the two dogs come upon two sheepdogs herding sheep. (This book review first appeard in The Shepherd's Dogge, Spring 1988 issue.) Alexander, Charles Bobbie, A Great Collie, Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, 1926, 1966. Hardbound. Illustrated by Salem Tamer. Story of a Border Collie that finds his way home from Indiana to Oregon. (See Wager-Smith.)* Alexander, L. R. Selecting and Training a Stockdog, Marshfield, Missouri. Selecting & Training Border Collie for cattle work. Allen, Arthur Border Collies in America, self-published, 1965. Autobiography.* Album of Fame, North American Sheep Dog Society, 1967. Photographs.* A Lifetime with the Working Border Collie, self-published, 1979. Hardbound. Autobiography, breed handbook.*Amery, H. The Silly Sheepdog, Usbourne, London, 1990. Ancona, George Sheep Dog, Lothrop, Lee & Shephard Books, New York, 1985. Hardbound. Guardian breeds profiles and photographs.* Anderon, Ken The Wolf Dog Anderson, George Murray Times Remembered, Anchor Publications, 1985. Hardbound. Autobiography of sheep farmer.* From the Glens to the Lowlands, Anchor Publications, 1986. Hardbound. Autobiography.* Anderson, M. The Good Dogs of Algides, 1965. True story of remote NZ sheep station.
Armstrong, William H. The Tale of Tawny & Dingo, Harper & Row, New York, 1979. Hardbound. Fiction, children's. The story of friendship between a sheepdog and a lamb.* A rather strange little tale of a lamb that is born, as the shepherd in the story says, "the wrong number" (a triplet, third born and rejected by his mother), "the wrong color" (spotted rather than pure white like the rest of the flock), "and the wrong size" (a runt). But Tawny is befrended by Dingo, the sheepdog, and, as he learns from the dog, he becomes more and more dog-like. He, in fact, become a "dog-sheep". The story reminds one only slightly of Babe. In Babe, however, things were worm and familiar despite the absurdity of a sheep-pig, and full of humor. In Tawny and Dingo things seem somewhat foreign and very serious. However, the story is still charming, and the illustrations are quite lovely. "Arsonian" (pen name?) Training the Working Collie, S.M.Duncan Ltd., Kulsyth (?), 1958. Training manual.
The photograph opposite the title page in Patricia Ascroft's book.
Ascroft, Patricia The Border Collie, Times Longbooks, Douglas, Isle of Man, 1965. History, training manual. Atwater, Montgomery M. Cattle Dog, Random House, New York, 1954. Fiction. The story of a boy and his dog herding cattle out West.
Austin, Mary The Flock Austin, Tim and Zaadstra, Pieter Our Australian Kelpie Bader, Douglas Dog StoriesBaglio, Ben M. Sheepdog in the Snow Baker, Ivy The Monday Sheepdog, Angus & Robertson, Australia, 1987. Fiction about a boy and dog.
Baldwin, John R. Exploring Scotland's Heritage: Lothian and the Borders, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, Edinburgh, 1985. Paper. A tourist guide book. This series has wonderful paintings on their covers, and this volume's cover is one of a shepherding scene. (?)*Ball, Murray Footrot Flats, Orin Books, Kildawest,Victoria, Australia, 1978, etc. There are literally dozens of these great cartoon collections by New Zealander, Murray Ball. The heros are "Dog", a Border Collie or "eye" dog and his master, "Wal", and the farming conditions they have to put up with.
Barker, Cicely Mary Simon the Swan, Bedrick/Blackie, New York, 1988 (originally 192?). Hardbound. Fiction, children's.* Barrington, John Red Sky At Night, Michael Joseph, London, 1984. Hardbound. Biography, the shepherd's year.* Bartlett, Paul Border Collie Tales, self-published by the author, 2001. A collection of short stories to benefit the Border Collie Trust Great Britain. Autographed.* Baskerville, W. Show Collies & Shetland Sheepdogs, Our Dogs. Chapter on working sheepdogs. Batty, Dr. J. Landseer's Animal Illustrations Including a Concise Art History of Sir Edwin by W. Cosmo Monkhouse, Nimrod Press Ltd., Alton, Hampshire. This is poor facsimile reprint of a book originally published by Virtue & Co., London, perhaps a hundred years ago. Mostly engravings and sketches, with dogs scattered throughout, including some collies.*
Beatty, Hetty Burlingame Bryn, Houghton Mifflin Co Copyright 1965 by Hetty B Whitney "Story of a Border collie. Bryn is the Border Collie who loves Ken and sets out to find him. Bryn ends up on a sheep farm with Ken and this is about their life" Belschner, H.G. Sheep Management and Diseases
Beresford, Judith Taff the Sheepdog, University of London Press, 1949. Illustrated by G.W.Barrington. Taff, a sheepdog, goes from small pup to trials champion, with many adventures in between. Son of Taff, Holden & Stoughton, 1958. Fiction.* When three children are trapped in a pot-hole, Glen has to live up to his sire's reputation and help rescue them. SOS for Sheepdog Taff, Holden & Stoughton, London, 1963. Illustrated by David Rook Taff has to fetch help when his master is swept away by a flooded river. Taff and the Stolen Ponies
Bernan, Robert Tales from the Blue Stacks, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1983. Autobiography. Bewick, Thomas General History of the Quadrupeds, Hodgson, Beilby & Bewick, Newcastle, 1791. Engravings and text, including material on sheepdogs.Bice, Clare A Dog for Davie's Hill, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1956. Hardbound. Fiction, children's.* Davie gets a dog from an old begger and turns him into a champion sheepdog.
Biggs, Harold E. The Early Debelopment of Sheep Ranching in the Northwest? Billingham, Viv One Woman and Her Dog, Patrick Stephens Ltd., Cambridge, 1984. Hardbound. Autobiography.* The Shepherd's Wife, Billingham, 1986. Paperback. Autobiography.* Tweedhope Sheep Dogs, BPCC Wheatons Ltd., Exeter, England, 1990. Autobiography. Whistle While You Work, Atlantic Publishing, N. Yorkshire 1998. Birch, B. Discover a Shepherd's Year, S&S Young, Hemel, Hampstead, 1990. Pictorial.Blyton, Enid Shadow the Sheep Dog, Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., Glasgow, 1947/1958/1976. Hardbound. Children's fiction.* Shadow the Sheep Dog: Shadow and Johnny, Carnival Publishing, 1988. A younger children's version, illustrated by Rowan Clifford, comprised from a portion of the original book.*
This cover illustration of Shadow the Sheepdog shows Shadow as a Lassie-type collie, but the book implies he is a Border Collie, as do other edition cover illustrations Bold, Alan Robert Burns, Pitkin Pictorials Ltd., Andover, Hampshire, 1973, 1992. Paper. A thin but lavishly illustrated biography with a photo on the back cover of the Burns Memorial in Dumfries, a statue of the bard with his collie Luath. (?)* *Bowen, Godfrey Wool Away? Bowen, Keith Snowdon Shepherd: Four Seasons on the Hill Farms of North Wales, Pavilion Books Ltd., 1991. Large format, hardbound. Pastels and line drawings of the hill shepherd's year show his dog as well.* Bowman, Derek Tam: The Life and Death of a Dog Gordon Wright Publishing, Scotland, 1978. Brandeis, Madeline The Wee Scotch Piper, Grossett & Dunlap, New York, 1929. Illus- trated with photos from the author's collection.* Braund, Kathryn The Uncommon Dog Breeds, Arco, NY 1975. Chapter on Border Collie. Bray, Elizabeth The Discovery of the Hebrides: Voyagers to the Western Isles, 1745-1883, Collins, London and Glasgow, 1986. A history from an intriguing point of view, beginning with Bonnie Prince Charlie and ending with the Napier Commission. Liberally peppered with contemporary illustrations, some of which show herding dogs. (?)* Bray, Joan The Border Checkpoint, John Wheeler Printing, Mittagong, Australia, 1989. Breed book. Border Collies, Kangaroo Press, Kenthurst, New South Wales, 1989, 1993. Breed book--raising, breeding, training, Australian standard.* Brewis, Henry "funnywayt'mekalivin' (A Funny Way To Make A Living), Farming Press Ltd., Ipswich, 1983. Paper. Humor/cartoons.* Don't Laugh Till He's Out of Sight, Farming Press Ltd., Ipswich, 1984. Paper. Humor/cartoons.* The Magic Peasant, Farming Press Ltd., Ipswich, 1986. Paper. Humor/cartoons.* Goodbye Clartiehole, Farming Press Ltd., Ipswich, 1994. Paper. Humor/cartoons.* Broad, E. G. Raising and Training a Working Dog, NZ Dept.of Ag., Wellington, 1948, 1954. Training manual. Brood, G. D. Sheepdog Training. Training manual. Brown, Carlton The New Book of Dogs--Every Breed, Maco Magazine Corp., New York, 1954. Paper. Brief descriptions of most breeds with black and white photographs. Includes the Border Collie with photos of Carl Bradford and his dogs.* Brown, Darren (Editor) For the Love of Dogs Brown, J.G. and Dot Dogs of Australia, Kennel Control Council, Victoria, 1973. Hardbound. Australian breeds from a show standpoint. Includes a chapter on the Border Collie.* Brown, Dr. John Rab and his Friends, Henry Altemus Company, Philadelphia, 1902/1906/1934. A collection of short stories about dogs, several about sheepdogs, including one very lovely one about a working collie who steals off periodically to work sheep in the stockyards.* Brown, Lou & Marv Stock Dog Training Manual, Eagle Publishing, Ekalaka, Montana, 1990. Buchan, John Island of Sheep, Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., London, 1936? Fiction. Buchanan, Prof. R. Ogilvie Lecture on Sheep Farming in New Zealand? Bulanda, Susan Canine Source Book, Doral Publishing, Wilsonville, Oregon, 1990. Plastic flexring binding. General resources with information on Border Collies as well.* Bulla, Clyde Robert A Dog Named Penny Bunting, Edward & Angela Sayers Hamlyn Dog Breed Handbook: Border Collies, Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd., London, 1988. Breed book.* Burkett, Charles William, ed. Our Domestic Animals, Their Habits, Intelligence and Usefulness, Ginn & Co., Boston, 1907. Hardbound. Non-fiction for children, with large chapter on dogs including "the shepherd dog". Illustrated with photographs of old-types of dog breeds.* Burns, Robert The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, John W. Lovell Company, New York, 18??. Hardbound. Includes "The Twa Dogs", Burns' poem about Luath, his collie, and Caesar, a Newfoundland.* The Complete Illustrated Poems, Songs & Ballads of Robert Burns, Chartwell Books, Inc., Secaucus, 1990 (J. M. Dent & Co., London, 1965). Hardbound. A facsimile edition, re-issued in 1990, and containing illustrations taken from several earlier collections. "The Twa Dogs" is accompanied by an old engraving of the two canines.* Burton, Jane A Dog's Life, A Year in the Life of a Dog Family, Howell Book House Inc., New York, 1986. Hardbound. Diary of the birth and growth of a litter of Border Collie puppies.* This is the same story as Jack, the Puppy (below), only a more compete version written two years before for adults. There is much detail in this version, including the presence of the maternal grandsire, Jasper, a gorgeous rough-coated shaded-sable-and-white collie from Ireland, and the litter's sire, Sandy, half brother to dam Honey, a rough-coated sable-and-white. There is some genetic misinformation in this book, but it is otherwise an admirable presentation. Jack, the Puppy, Random House, 1988. Paper. Non-fiction, children. Birth and growth of a Border Collie puppy.* This book takes the young reader, with excellent photos and text, from the birth of a puppy through its first year. The dam is sable-and-white Honey, who has a litter of ten pups, three tri-colored and the rest sable-and-white. The sire is not mentioned, but the granddam appears, and she is black-and-white. The pups are shown being born, nursing, their eyes just opening, and so on, as they grow into beautiful young dogs. Jack is the pup that obviously was kept, and at the end of the book, when he is a year old, he is shown interacting with another of his dam's litters, this time including pups of sable-and-white, tri-color, fawn-and-white, and red-and-white. Obviously some interesting color genetics going on in this Border Collie family. This book is the children's version of the first book on this subject by this author, A Dog's Life--A Year in the Life of a Dog Family (above). (This book review appeard in slightly different form in The Shepherd's Dogge, Summer 1988.)Caius, Johannes Treatise on Englishe Dogges, London 1576. Chapter on the "shepherd's dogge": "The Shepherd's Dogge...either at the hearing of his master's voyce,or at the wagging and whistling in his fist, or at his shrill and hoarse hissing, bringeth the wandering weathers and straying sheepe into the self same place where his master's will and wishe is to have them." -- Dr. John Caius, physician to Queen Elizabeth I, from his Treatise on Englishe Dogges, 1576 John (or Johannis) Caius was the physician to Queen Elizabeth I. His book, written first in latin and subsequenly translated into the English of the day, contains the first written description of the way a British shepherd and sheepdog worked together, and in it can be seen the working Border Collie of today. Call, Hughie The Rising Arrow The Viking Press, 1955. Calvert, Patricia Hadder MacColl, Puffin Books, 1986. Children's fiction about a young girl at the time of the Jacobite Rebellion in Scotland.*
Cameron, Donald While the Wild Geese Fly, Donald Cameron, Glen Nevis, 1985. Biography--"tales of a Highland farmer and auctioneer".* Capstick, Thomas Sheepdog Training, England, 1920s. Training manual.
Caras, Roger (Ed.) Treasury of Great Dog Stories, Dutton, NY, 1987. 29 dog stories by great author's such as John Muir, O. Henry, Albert Payson Terhune, Zane Grey, Eric Knight, and others. Carlson, Natalie Savage Chalou, Harper & Row, NY & London, 1967 Chalou is a livestock guardian dog in France in this Lassie-Come-Home-type story.![]()
Carpenter, Barbara The Border Collie: Basic Training for Sheep Work, self-published, 1982. Paper. Training manual.* The Blue Riband of the Heather, Farming Press Books, Ipswich, 1989, 1996. Hardbound. Record of the ISDS Supreme Champions from 1906 to 1988. A major work.* The Blue Riband of the Heather, Farming Press Books, Ipswich, 1996. Hardbound. Second edition. Record of the ISDS Supreme Champions from 1906 to 1995.* National Sheepdog Champions of Britain and Ireland, 1922-1993, Farming Press, Ipswich, 1994. Hardbound. A major work.*
Catelin Crack, Chien Patagon Cavanagh, Francis and Weir, Ruth Cromer Private Pepper Comes Home, Albert Whitman & Co., Chicago, 1945/1947 Children's fiction. Pepper, a sable Collie, returns from the war and is reunited with his family. Cavanagh, Rod Australian Sheep Dogs, Training & Handling, Rod Cavanagh, 1990. Hardbound. Complete survey of Australian herding.* Chaimbeul, Ceana Luasgan, Cliath, 1977. Illustrated by Sine Haugh. Gaelic short story, young children.* Translated loosely, luasgan means "springy" or "sprightly". Luasgan is a sheepdog and this delightful book, written in Scottish Gaelic for children between the ages of 5 and 7 years old, is about the dog finding Catriona's (Catherine's) doll, Curstaidh (Kirsty) when another dog makes off with her. (Review first appeared in The Shepherd's Dogge, Fall 1990.) Chanoy, Georges Chien de Berger, Itouic, Paris, 1976. Chapter on Border Collies. Chapple, Beryl Dogs, Dogs, Dogs, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London, 1984. Hardbound. Dog portraits by contemporary British artist Beryl Chapple, with written descriptions of the individual dogs and the breeds. Includes paintings of two Border Collies.*Chard, Brigid A Shepherd's Crook, Rex Collings, London, 1977. Hardbound. Fiction, children's.* Cheney, Cora The Case of the Iceland Dogs Clartie, H. G. Practical Shepherding, 1959. Cleary, Jon The Sundowners Clement The Working Border Collie: A Handbook for Trainers and Handlers, 1959. Training manual.
Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jock's Island, Scholastic Book Services, New York, 1963. Paper. Fiction based on historic event; story about a man and a Border Collie takes place in Tristan de Cunha.* This is a small book, only 80 pages and many of those taken up with illustrations, but the story is heartwarming. It takes place on Tristan de Cunha, a volcanic island in the South Atlantic, halfway between Africa and South America. Jock is a Border Collie. I can't tell much of the story without giving away the entire plot and its suspense. Suffice it to say there is plenty of Border Collie action including several herding scenes. Unlike many of the children's books of the era this one is straight fiction without moralizing, so it does not appear dated.
Collard III, Sneed B. Shep, illustrated by Joanna Yardley. This is the story of Old Shep, the faithful Colorado dog that waited by the tracks for a lifetime, for his dead master to return by the train on which his body was taken away.
Collier, Margaret Border Collies, T.F.H., Neptune City, New Jersey, 1994. Hardbound. Breed book written in Britain with an American section that is both inadequate and inaccurate.* Collins, Barbara C. A Guide to Sheepdog Trials in Britain & Ireland, Farming Press, Ipswich, 1994. Paper. Very thorough and conclusive. Broken down into countries, with contact information, descriptions of the venues and the trials.*
Collis, Joyce The Show Border CollieCombe, Iris Collies Yesterday and Today, J.B., Liptree, Essex, 1972. Has a chapter on BCs. Border Collies, Faber and Faber, London 1978. Hardbound. Breed handbook.* Herding Dogs, Their Origins and Development in Britain, Faber and Faber Ltd., London, 1987. Hardbound. History.* Shepherds, Sheep & Sheepdogs, Dalesman Books, 1983. Paper. Customs, history.* Showing and Judging the Border Collie, The Collie Information Center, no date. Paper.* Border Collies, an Owner's Companion, Crowood Press Ltd., Wiltshire, 1993. Hardbound. Contains an American section that is inadequate.* Rough Collies of Distinction, written with Dareen Bridge & Pat Hutchinson, self publised, 2001. A pictorial record of influential British rough collies from 1860's to the present day. There are 125 photographs of dogs, with their pedigrees, and 25 "principal sire and bitch line" pedigree charts in the appendices. The introduction is a history and development of the collie breed (from the working collies of the 19th century), and each individual dog is presented with its own history. A magnificent, large format volume, and the last for author, breeder, and show judge, Iris Combe, as she passed away in 2009
Cooper, Susan The Dark is Rising, Atheneum, 1972-1976. Fiction, children's. Paper. A series of five books, Over Sea, Under Stone, The Dark is Rising, Greenwitch, The Grey King, and Silver on the Tree, based on the myths and legends of Celtic Britain. "Welsh" collies appear in two of them, The Dark is Rising and The Grey King, and figure prominently in The Grey King.* Coppinger, Raymond and Lorna Livestock Guarding Dogs for U.S. Agriculture? Cory, Harper Rover, a Collie-Coyote: a True Story Counsell, Christine Spinning: An Entertaining Guide for the Beginner, Country Stile Crafts, Glous., no date. Covers have cartoons featuring working Border Collies. (?)* Crawford, Sheila S. Sheep and Sheepmen of Canterbury? Cregeen, Eric R. Recollections of an Argyllshire Drover and Other West Highland Chronicles? John Donald Publishers, Edinburgh, 2004. The oral traditions of the West Higlands of Scotland.Cropper, Katy A Dog's Life in the Dales, Smith Gryphon, London, 1972. Autobiographical.*
Dalziel, Hugh The Collie As a Show Dog, Companion, and Worker. Ca. 1880-1905. Practical handbook includes origin and history, housing, breeding, exhibiting, working, and ailments.
Daniels, Lucy Jess, the Border Collie, 1998?-2000? a series of adventures written for young people. "Jess owes his life to his owner, Jenny Miles, and he'd do anything for her. They're best of friends and, together, they're ready for all sorts of adventures." The Runaway Sheepdog In The Snow
Dale, Jenny Sam & Delilah: Puppy Patrol #12, Macmillan Children's Books, 1998. Illustrated by Mick Reid. Forever Sam: Puppy Patrol #24, Macmillan Children's Books, 1999. Illustrated by Mick Reid. Puppy Power: Puppy Patrol #30, Macmillan Children's Books, 2000. illustraded by Mick Reid.
Davis, Carol Farm Dogs: a Celebration of the Farm's Hardest Workers Voyageur Press, St. Paul, Minnisota, 2007, photographs by Norvia Behling. Davison, Frank Dalby Dusty: The Story Of A Sheep Dog, Angus and Robertson, 1946, printed by Halstead Party Press ltd in Australia. "Dusty is the story of a Australian sheepdog, half kelpie, half dingo, Dusty is a prize winning sheep dog at trials and what happens to afterwards" Daw, Nicky Sheepdog, A & C Blacke, 1986. Training manual. DeBernieres, Louis Red Dog Denmead, Christine One Dog and his Man, Dalesman Publishing Co. Ltd., Clapham, 1987. Paper. Cartoons.* Dennis-Bryan, Kim and Juliet Clutton-Brock Dogs of the Last Hundred Years at the British Museum, British Museum (Natural History), London, 1988. Paper. Photos and descriptions of stuffed specimens, including a Border Collie and an old-fashioned-type early show collie.* Dennison, Pamela S. Bringing Light to Shadow: A Dog Trainer's Diary, Dogwise Publishing, Wenatchee, Washington, 2005. Shadow was a rescue dog (Border Collie) with fear aggression issues. Ms Dennison takes him from being aggressive to getting his Canine Good Citizen award. * Department of Education (Publisher) Wool Knowledge? De Roo, Ann Traveler, 1979. Derwent, Lavinia A Breath of Border Air, Arrow Books Ltd., London, 1975. Paperback. Fictionalized biography/customs and life of a farm family in the Borders of Scotland in the second quarter of the 20th century, including "Jock the Herd and his two Border Collies".* Another Breath of Border Air, Arrow Books Ltd., London, 1977. Paperback. Ditto.* A Border Bairn, Arrow Books Ltd., London,1979. Paperback. Ditto.* God Bless the Borders, Arrow Books Ltd., London, 1981. Paperback. Ditto.* Beyond the Borders, Arrow Books Ltd., London, 1989. Paperback. Ditto.* DeSally, Vopgile Suggestions pour dresser un Border Collie, Limoges, Maison de l'Agriculture, France, 1975.Devine, Michael Everything About Border Collies, Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Breeding, Behavior, and Training (Complete Pet Owner's Manual), Barrons Educational Series, 1997 " The border collie has only recently been recognized by the AKC as a separate breed. Barron's Complete Pet Owner's Manual gives a detailed description of this high-energy, highly intelligent working dog's physical and emotional traits and suitability as a pet. Here too is advice on purchase, training, health care, exercise, feeding, and much more Full-color photos." Border Collies, Barrons Educational Series, Inc. 2007
Dinnig, H. H. The Farmer's Best Friend: A Working Sheepdog, Australia, 1979. Dirks, Leland (and Angelo) Jimmy Mender and his Miracle Dog, ©2012 by Leland Dirks. I just finished reading Leland Dirks book, Jimmy Mender and His Miracle Dog, and I enjoyed it. Yes, it's probably about love, but it seems to me it is more about compulsion, obsession. Paul, the protagonist, meets a mysterious stranger and spends a week with him. Certainly long enough to fall in love, and more than enough time to develop an infatuation. When Jimmy Mender leaves, Paul begins to write an advice to the lovelorn column under the title "What Would Jimmy Mender Do?". Although he never really hears from Jimmy again, Paul continues writing his column for five years, and during that period he has recurring dreams that he is a Border Collie searching for something or someone. It is an apt analogy for his obsession. And then he receives a package from Alaska containing Jimmy Mender's diary and a letter from a friend of Jimmy's, saying that Jimmy has died and left all of his possessions to Paul, and that if he came to Alaska he could claim them. Thereafter, Paul begins a quest to follow in Jimmy's footsteps and find out who Jimmy Mender really was.
I won't include spoilers. You'll have to read it yourself to find out what happens on the way to Alaska and at the end of Paul's journey. If some of it seems rather unbelievable, it probably is. I just hope Leland and Paul did their homework before embarking on this journey. I believe at least Leland did. For Paul's sake, I hope he did as well, though I remain skeptical. The mother in me wants to know how someone can go on a trek to Alaska in a convertible with just penny loafers and one sweater to keep him warm. Donelan, Mike The Australian Kelpie Donovan, John A. K. The Dogs of Dickens, Denlinger's Publishers, Ltd., VA, 1989. Two references to "drover's dogs". (?)*Dorsten, Cindy M. A Celebration of the Working Collie, Alpine Publications, Inc., 2001. Douglas, Ronald MacDonal Scottish Lore & Folklore, Crown Publishers, Inc. 1982. (?)*
Drabble, Phil One Man and His Dog, Michael Joseph Ltd., London, 1978. The.making of the TV series.* Drury, W.D. & Others British Dogs, L. Upcott Gill, London, 1903. Breed descriptions, including section on collies.* Dudley, Ernest Dog of the Storm, F. Muller, London, 1979. Hardbound. Fiction. How a sheepdog's deafness was overcome by training.* Duncan, Jane Brave Janet Reachfar, Seabury Press, New York, 1975. Fiction, children's. Illustrated by Mairi Hedderwick. Sheep are rescued from snowstorm by Janet and her Border Collie, Fly. If you are looking for a book for young children that features Border Collies, this is a good one. Janet lives at Reachfar Farm in the Highlands of Scotland with her mother and father, her maternal grandparents, an aunt, and two hired hands, Tom and George. Granny is obviously the central figure in the household. When an early spring snowstorm threatens the sheep grazing out on the hill, Tom and George and their collies, Moss and Fan, go to gather the hill. But the East Hill, nearest the house, is still in danger and the snow is accumulating fast. Janet knows that all she need do is open the gate and her own collie, Fly, would bring in the sheep. This works well, with Janet counting sheep to make sure they are all safe. But one turns up missing and Fly leads Janet, against Granny's rules, out into the snow to find her. The plot may seem unbelievable, but perhaps only to an adult. The illustrations are charming. Any book illustrated by Mairi Hedderwick is worth having.* (This review appeared first in The Shepherd's Dogge, Winter 1988-1989.) DuFaur, Ralph Sheep Farming For Profit Edwards, M. Killer Dog, Collins, London, 1959.
Edwards, Sydenham Cynographia Britannica, London, Printed by C. Whittingham, for the author and sold by J. White, J. Robson, etc. 1800-1805. Colored engravings (left, canis pastoralis) of the various breeds of dogs existing in Greeat Britain, drawn from life, with observations on their properties and uses. Resides in the Swem Library of the College of William and Mary, Special Collections, Williamsburg, Virginia. There is a chapter on "Shepherd's Dogs". Encyclopedia Britannica (Editor) Shep, the Farm Dog, 1946? Engen, Rodney K. Randolph Caldecott, "Lord of the Nursery", Oresko Books Ltd., London 1976, Bloomsbury Books, London, 1988. Large format, hardbound. Excellent biography of the artist/illustrator, includes some of his works featuring sheepdogs.*
Englefield, Bruce Ewe Were Made for Me: Sheepdog Training Explained, self published booklet that accompanies a video (see below). No date.* Enzlin, George J. Sheepdog Breeds Around the World, an abstract of the book, with photos.* Erickson, Phoebe Double or Nothing, Harper & Row, New York, 1958. The delightful story of two children who discover a pair of runaway Border Collies and the adventures they have luring them in. Ertel, James My Fun With Reading, The Southwestern Co., Nashville, 1973, 1982. Three stories of children with animals, including "Jamie's Dog", about a Scottish boy and his Border Collie. Illustrated by Don Rodell, and with photographs.* Evans, Foy Border Collie Training Simplified, self published, 1981. Training manual. Evans, Sylvia Tails Up, The Story of Manna, self published, 1944.Fay, Joyce The Adventures of Bro & Tracy, Collins, San Francisco, 1993. Hardbound. Photographs of New Mexico, all with sheepdogs, Bro & Tracy, in them.* Fayers, R. J. The Sheep of Dolgwilli, Wales, 1980. Autobiography. Fichter, George S. and Franklin Watts Working Dogs, Copyright 1979 by George S Fichter, "Describes the selection, training and accomplishments of various breeds of working dogs."
Fidler, Kathleen The Droving Lad, Lutterworth Press, 1955 (Canongate, Edinburgh, 1989). Paper. Fiction.* Flash, the Sheep Dog, Lutterworth Press, 1965 (Canongate, Edinburgh, 1984). Paper. Fiction.* Turk, the Border Collie, Lutterworth Press, 1975 (Canongate, Edinburgh, 1986). Paper. Fiction. Lassie-Come-Home-type tale based on a true story.*
(This review first appeared in The Shepherd's Dogge, Winter 1989/90.) After reading Kathleen Fidler's other book about a Border Collie (Flash, The Sheepdog), I was surprised by Turk, the Border Collie. While I found Flash to be shallow and trite, Turk was clever and gripping. My only explanation is that it was written ten yours later by a more experienced writer. Even the illustrations (by a different artist) are far superior in Turk. Of the Lassie Come-Home genre, Turk is about a dog that is taken away from his home in the Borders of Scotland and finds his way back again, having many adventures on the way. This is a good book, well worth the read. Turk has character and depth, and you will like him.Findlay, Jim Life of the Earth, Scotland, 1985. Reminiscences of farming life and dog training.Finger, C.J. A Dog at His Heel, John C. Winston, Philadelphia, 1936. The story of an Australian sheepdog. "An Airedale mix found as a pup at Yangoorlie Station becomes a canny Australian sheep dog. The Story of Jock an Australian Sheep dog and what befell him and his companions on a great drive."
Finger, Karl Hirten und Hutehunde, Ulmer, Stattgart, Germany, 1988. Contains material on Border Collies. Firbank, Thomas I Bought a Mountain, G.G. Harap & Co., London, 1940. Autobiography. Fitzpatrick, Sir Percy Jock of the Bushveld Fletcher, Lionel B. Skipper, My Chum Flick, Don Annie Hootnanny: A Thief's Best Friend is my Dog, Flick Printing Ltd., Toronto, 1970. Paper. Humor. Author tells of his dog's escapades. Not terribly funny.* Fogt, Bruce Lessons From a Stock Dog Follis, Jim The Rescue of Loredo, JF's Publishing, 1998. The story of the rescue of a Border Collie during the 1997? floods in Central California. Unfortunately, the illustrator depicts the dog as a hound-type, which takes something away from it's appeal to sheepdog enthusiasts.* Forder, John and Eliza Hill Shepherd, Frank Peters Publishing Ltd., Kendal, Cumbria, 1989. Large format, hardbound. A photo essay (with text) of the shepherd's year with numerous photos of working dogs.* Life in the Hills, Frank Peters Publishing Ltd., Kendal, Cumbria, 1991. Large format, hardbound. Same as above, continuing the theme.* In their beautiful book, Hill Shepherd, John and Eliza Forder, photographers from Dentdale in the Lake District, allow us a glimpse at the very interesting Lakeland sheepdogs. Living in the area they were photographing, the Forders knew the shepherds and were able to follow them around throughout the year. The result is a large format book, packed with wonderful phtographs of events in the shepherding year. And the dogs! There would be no shepherding on these fells without the dogs. In their excellent introduction, the Forders say, "'Cur' or 'barking' dogs have been used in the Lake District for generations and are bred especially for the job of shifting sheep in difficult terrain." The book has many photographs of sheepdogs owrking the fells, and while some are rough-coated, many more are leggy, smooth-coated dogs, and of unusual colors--merles, reds, fawns, brindles--along with the more usual black-and-white. (This review first appeared in The Shepherd's Dogge, Fall 1991.) Fraser, Allen Sheep Production? Frazer, Steve Lassie: Trouble at Panter's Lake Frazier Farm DogsGebauer, Roland Lass
Georgetta, Clel Evan Kelley of the Triune, Venture Pub. Co., Reno, Nevada, 1979. Fiction based on fact. Farming sheep in Nevada with Border Collies.* Giles, Carl Giles, Express Newspapers, London, 1985. Cartoons, a few of which have to do with sheepdogs.* Gilfillan, Archer B. Sheep? Golding, Harry, ed. The Wonder Book of Animals, Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd., London, undated but written sometime between the two World Wars, likely soon after World War I. Hardbound. Illustrated children's book with animal profiles and short stories, including a chapter on dogs featuring the "Scottish collie" and the "Bob-Tailed Sheep-Dog" that includes a description of a "trial".* Goode, Angela and Hayes, Mike Working Dogs, ABC Books, 1993 first edition copyright by Angela Goode "Stories from all round Australia, sheep dogs" Great Working Dog Stories, ABC Books, Australia, 1990.* More Great Working Dogs More Working Dog Stories Goodman, Jack The Fireside Book of Dog Stories, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1943. Hardbound. A collection of short stories by a variety of authors, including E. B. White ("The Care and Training of a Dog", about his "first collie"), Eric Knight ("Lassie Come-Home"), and Albert Payson Terhune ("Some Sunnybank Dogs").* Gordon, John Three Sheep and a Dog, Reed Books, Aukland, 1998. "The practical and colourful way of life that is sheepdog trialling" in NZ.![]()
Gosset, Adelaide L. J. Shepherds of Britain, London, 1911, reissued 1972 by Benjamin Blom, Inc., New York. Collection of essays on sheep, shepherds and sheepdogs by a variety of authors from about 1830 to 1910, including some infinitely quotable articles about working sheepdogs throughout the British Isles and Ireland.
Goutté, Roy The Principal Lines of the Border Collie in Obedience Today, Alresford Press, Ltd., Hampshire, 1990. Paper. Genealogy and description.* Ibid, Vol. II, 1990.* Ibid, Vol III, 1994.* The Principal Sheepdog Lines, The Bloodlines of the Border Collie in Sheepdog Trialling Today, Alresford Press, Ltd., Hampshire, 1995. Genealogy and description.* The Principal Show Lines, The Bloodlines of the Border Collie in the Breed Ring Today, Alresford Press Ltd., 1997.* Sheepdog Champions of North America, Border Collies in Action, 2002. Compiled by Geri Byrne and Mandy Harley.*
Graham, Julia Shep, the Sheep DogGrant, I.F. Along a Highland Road, Shepheard-Walwyn, 1980. Hardcover. Every-Day Life on an Old Highland Farm. Hardcover. Shepheard-Walwyn, 1981. Highland Folk Ways, Redwood Burn Ltd., 1980. Paper. History, with only one brief mention of sheepdogs. (?)* Periods in Highland History, Shepheard-Walwyn, 1987. Hardcover. No mention of sheepdogs, but excellent for background. Dr. Isabel Frances Grant M.B.E. (1887-1983) founded the Highland Folk Museum in Kingussie, Scotland (a.k.a. Am Fasgadh, Gaelic for "the shelter"), to help preserve Highland culture. The Museum currently resides in Newtonmore, Scotland.
Gray, D.J. Thomson The Dogs of Scotland, James P. Matthew, Edinburgh, 1891; Dogs in Print, Huddersfield, 1989 in limited edition of 200 copies . Small, hardbound volume. Chapter on collies has the usual conflict expressed by show enthusiasts over the "wonderful sagacity of sheepdogs" versus their indifferent looks.* Gray, Thelma The Corgi Greig, T. Russell The Sheepdog: Management and Feeding, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, Edinburgh, 1956. Training manual. The Shepherd's Guide, Robert Young, Glasgow, revised edition 1985. Training.![]()
Greer, Rev. C.J. My Dog Rosie, the adventures and training of a Border Collie who worked with retired cowboy and sheepherder, C.J. Greer, called "the Cowboy Preacher",
who still runs Border Collies in sheepdog trials. Grew, Sheila Key Dogs from the Border Collie Family, vol. I & II, Payne Essex Ltd., Sudbury, 1981 and 1985. Paper. History and description of the principal Border Collie lines. Major work.*
Gridley, Marlon Jamie's Dog, Encyclopedia Brittanica Press, Chicago, 1963. Gunnarsson, Gunnar The Good Shepherd, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Indianapolis, 1940. Hardbound. Fiction, allegory. Takes place in Iceland.* Guy, Rosa Billy the Great, Delacorte Press, New York, 1991. Hardbound. Illustrated by Caroline Binch. Fiction for young children. Story about a boy. His dog is a Border Collie.* Haldane, A.R.B. The Drove Roads of Scotland, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., London, 1952. Hardbound. Very little about dogs, but mentions that there was very little written about dogs. A major work, often quoted* Hall, Libby Prince and Other Dogs II, Bloomsbury, New York & London, 2002. A collection of old dog photographs, many different breeds but there are several of Border Collie-type dogs (old fashioned collie, working collie, English Shepherd, etc.) A must-read for dog lovers and collectors of dog ephemera.* Hall, Martin Charlie and Tess, Magi Publications, London, 1995 (Little Tiger Press, Pictorial Cove, 1996). An orphan lamb, Charlie, is raised by the farm's Border Collie, Tess. A la Babe, Charlie still thinks he's a sheepdog after he grows up and eventually, with the skills he learned from Tess, he saves the day. Hall, P., with U. Wright Shepherd's Year, David & Charles, Newton Abbott, 1987. Photographs of New Zealand.
Halsall, Eric The Hill Dog, Blackie, London, 1961. Story of a sheepdog. Sheepdogs, My Faithful Friends, Patrick Stephens, Cambridge, 1981. Large format, hardbound. Biography, Border Collie history.* Sheepdog Trials, Patrick Stephens, Cambridge, 1982. Large format, hardbound. Border Collie history.* Gael, Sheepdog of the Hill, Patrick Stephens, Cambridge, 1985. Hardbound. Biography, natural history, story of the authorÕs Sheltie.*
Meg of Lonktop, Gerrard, Lancashire, 1968. Illustrated by Diane Tomlinson. * This is the story of Meg, a Shetland Sheepdog, who works the sheep at Lonktop Farm in Lancashire. Eric Halsall owned both Border Collies and Shelties, and had great respect for both breeds as working dogs. Meg has all the adventures that sheepdogs in other books of this genre (children's literature) have had: there is the "Lassie Come-Home" experience where Meg gets kidnapped and has to find her way home over many miles; the sheepdog trial, Meg's first, where she remarkably takes third place; the battle with the late spring freak snowstorm, where Meg rescues the sheep lost in the snow; the falling down the abandoned mineshaft, where Meg has to not only find her own way out, but lead a visiting and frightened city sheltie out. These may all appear to be cliches, but it's the way Halsall handled them that sets this book apart from others of its kind. Meg's tribulations do not go on and on. They are not part of a tragic life, but a happy one, and when they are over, they are over. While Meg is experiencing them, she is still a dog. She finds time to play with sticks and blowing leaves. Halsall also brings his experience as a naturalist to bear and his rich description of Meg's environment is nothing short of enchanting. For those of you who know Eric Halsall only through his two Border Collie books, Sheepdogs--My Faithful Friends and Sheepdog Trials, this book should give you a broader view of Eric Halsall as an author. (Book review 11/21/08 by Carole L. Presberg.)
Sheepdogs--My Faithful Friends, second edition, Farming Press, 1996. * The second edition of Eric Halsall's Sheepdogs--My Faithful Friends came out in October 1996, and with it came the sad news of the demise of the author. Few names and faces were so well-known in the sheepdog world on both sides of the Atlantic than Eric Halsall's. The North of England native was a journalist, an author, a wildlife broadcaster, a farm manager, a naturalist, a sheepdog trial judge and course director, and an active member of numerous farm, conservation, sheep, and sheepdog organizations. But he will perhaps best be remembered, particularly in Britain, for the fourteen years he spent as commentator for the BBC production of the One Man and His Dog television series. His books on sheepdogs, which include Sheepdogs--My Faithful Friends (1980 and 1996) and Sheepdog Trials (1982), both add enormously to our knowledge and understanding of working Border Collies, their handlers, and of sheepdog trials. He also provided commentary for H. Glyn Jones' popular training videos, Come Bye! and Away!, Take Time!, and That'll Do!. Sheepdogs--My Faithful Friends was a classic when it first came out, and will remain required reading for Border Collie devotees for many years to come, a fitting legacy to a man whose enthusiasm for sheepdogs and sheepdog trials came through in everything he did. (This article first appeared in The Shepherd's Dogge, Spring 1997 issue.)
Hamilton-Wilkes, Monty and David Cumming Kelpie and Cattle Dog, Australian Dogs at Work, Angus & Robertson Publishers, Sydney, 1967 (1982). Hardbound. Australian herding breeds handbook.*Hancock, David Old Working Dogs, Shire Publications Ltd., Aylesbury, 1984. Non- fiction, includes chapter on "the pastoral dogs".* Dogs as Companions, Kelso Graphics, 1981. (British) breeds handbook, including the Border Collie.* Old Farm Dogs, Shire Publications Ltd., Princes Risborough, 1999. Non- fiction, includes information on herding dogs.*
Hanel, Wolfram Abby Hardy, Thomas The Return of the Native. There is only one scene in this literary masterpiece that has a sheepdog in it, but it is classic.* Harnett, Cynthis The Wool-Pack, Puffin Books, 1981 (originally published in 1951). Children's fiction, excellent story that takes place in 15th century England. There is a scene with Border Collies herding sheep.*Hart, Edward Hill Shepherd, David & Charles, London, 1979. Hardbound. Life and customs.* Sheepkeeping on a Small Scale
Edward Hart, who died in 2011 at age 86, was an agricultural journalist with many books to his name, including The Sheep Dog, Its Work and Training with well-known trialist Tim Longton. Hart was an expert in rural crafts, and had special interests in sheepdogs and hill farming, as he was at one time a hill farmer himself. He spent eight years as a farm worker then farmed sheep and cattle at Bilsdale in North Yorkshire, and began writing farming articles. In 1965 he launched a column in the Yorkshire Post based on the rotating diaries of a set of five real-life farming families, and every week for 45 years Hart would call one of "his" farmers to hear of their successes and failures and phone in his report. It was read avidly by both farmers and townspeople and became very popular. The Hill Shepherd is based on those diaries. Hart, Edward and Audrey Hart Working Dogs, B T Batsford ltd., Copyright Audry and Edward Hart 1984 "Includes Sheepdogs, gundogs, hounds, police dogs, guide dogs, etc. Excellent colour photos".
Hartley, C. W. G. The Shepherd's Dogs, Whitcombe & Tombs ltd., 1949, 4th print 1959. "A practical book on the training and management of sheep dogs. In this New Zealand book there are training instructions for the heading and huntway styles of herding. Good black and white photographs." Hartley, Dorothy Lost Country Life, Pantheon Books, New York, 1979. Paper.*Hartnagle, Jeanne Joy All About Aussies Stockdog Savvy, Alpine Publications, Inc., 2010.
I was pleasantly surprised to read Stockdog Savvy (co-authored by Jeanne Joy Hartnagle's husband, Ty Taylor) and find that not only can Jeanne Joy Hartnagle do great things with stockdogs, but she can write as well. Jeanne Joy is an American stockdog handler and trainer, and an instructor who has worked with cattle ranchers, the USDA, and the US Dept. of the Interior, managing cattle in yards and on the open range. She has titled dogs in all areas of competition and is a national and international judge of Australian Shepherds. Stock Dog Savvy takes the reader from the characteristics of herding dogs all the way through to training an effective trialling dog. Jeanne Joy has an approach that would be successful for all herding breeds. The book is packed with black and white photographs illustrating the moves she is describing. I like the fact that Jeanne Joy uses photos of a variety of people, including children, not just of herself and her own family. I also enjoyed the profiles she has scattered throughout the book (for example, she has one of Bruce Fogt, a successful American sheepdog trialist and Border Collie trainer). A big plus is Jeanne Joy's use of positive methods for training without the excessive dependance on treats that some positive trainers use. She says upfront that clicker training is inapproriate for teaching herding. She contrasts the possitive and negative aspects of many of the traits that herding exhibit (for example, noise sensitivity, assertiveness, timidity, etc.) and indicates how to handle dogs that have these traits. Throughout the book, there are tricks for problem solving. Although at the back of Stockdog Savvy is an appendix giving the profiles of more than sixty herding breeds, the book does seem to lean toward the collie breeds, probably because Jeanne Joy knows them the best . Throughout, although much is said about the dogs themselves, it is evident that Jean Joy's aim is to teach novices how to BE a stockdog handler. The book has a decidedly American West flavor, which is most obvious in the section on commands. If I have one criticism, it would be that too many commands are presented, some of them redundant; and even though I am myself an American, I found a few confusingly regional. This book is a great resource for experienced handlers, and an excellent manual for the beginning handler, and will be a book that I recommend in the future when asked, as I often am as the owner of The Shepherd's Dog online bookstore. Hastings, Howard L. Watch Shepherd of the Range, Cupples & Leon, New York, 1939. Fiction. The adventures of a working sheepdog in the American West. Hawkes, Clarence Master Frisky![]()
Hearne, Betsy Eliza's Dog McElderry, 1996. Illustrated by Erica Thurston. Children's literature. Eliza has longed for a dog for a long time, and then, during her family's vacation in Ireland, she falls in love with a Border Collie puppy and they bring her home to Chicago. Eliza must learn what her responsibilities to a dog are, and Panda must also learn.
Hedderwick, Mairi Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers, The Bodley Head Ltd., London, 1985. Hardbound. Fiction, children's, about modern island life in the Hebrides, with sheepdogs in the background. Beautifully illustrated as all of Hedderwick's books are.* Katie Morag Delivers the Mail, The Bodley Head Ltd., London, 1986. Paper. Ditto.* Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted, The Bodley Head Ltd., London, 1986. Hardbound. Ditto.* Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins, The Bodley Head Ltd., London, 1987. Paper. Ditto.* Mairi Hedderwick has lived on the West Coast of Scotland, and on Coll, one of Scotland's Inner Hebridean islands off the west coast, and shows she knows the island and West Coast culture well in her four books about Katie Morag. Katie Morag, a little red-headed girl, lives on a Hebridean island called Struay. Stereotypes and surprises combine in Ms. Hedder- wick's stories and illustrations to give a picture that is delightful and utterly charming. Katie Morag's mother is post mistress on the island, and her father runs the shop or general store. You are as likely to see her father in an apron doing domestic chores as her mother. Her grandmother is "Granny Island"--people on Struay are called by traditional Gaelic-type names referring to where they live, what they do, who they are related to, or by some physical feature--thus, Katie Morag's other grandmother is "Gramma Mainland". Granny Island wears overall and wellies and drives a tractor. Mostly, however, men are farmers and fishermen, and women do the shopping or hang out the wash. These books, written for young children, have little to do with sheepdogs or herding per se, but life on the island is a traditional one, and careful study of the illustrations (which are lovely in both their simplicity and complexity) reveals scenes of sheep farming. Sheep are everywhere and sheepdogs appear on almost every page. Granny Island has her own collie, with a split face, that you will recognize from scene to scene and book to book, even though she is never mentioned directly. (This review first appeared in The Shepherd's Dogge, Spring 1991.) Helwig, Hans Farm Animals, 1978 by the author, 1983 by Random House, Inc. NY. Little illustrated booklet describing farm animals has a black/white collie on the last page.Herriot, James Only One Woof, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1974, 1985. Hardbound. Fiction, children's, about a Border Collie who never barked.* Dog Stories, St.Martin's Press, 1986. Paper. Short stories, including following about sheepdogs: "Tip", "Jock", "Only One Woof", "Shep's Hobby", "Mick", "Mr. Pinkerton's Problem", "The Stray", "Nip and Sam", "Judy the Nurse Dog", and "Rip".* All Creatures Great and Small All Things Bright and Beautiful, St. Martin's Press, 1974. All Things Bright and Beurtiful, Paperback edition, Bantam Books, 1975.* The Lord God Made Them All, St. Martin's Press, 1981. The Lord God Made Them All, Family Circle Reading Bonus.*
Hickmott, W. J. Paw Marks, Maplerock Press, Hartford, Ct., 1932. Hill, Ian Barras Landseer, An Illustrated Life, Shire Publications Ltd., 1973. Paper. Excellent biography containing a photo of the magnificent painting "The Old Shepherd's Chief Mourner".*Hinkle, T.C. King, Story of a Sheepdog, A. & B. Black Ltd., London, 1936. Arrowsmith, Bristol, 1936 Fiction. "Story of a working sheep dog/collie in the old West." Illustrated by George Wright.* Shep, Hutchinsons Books for Young People, London, 1950. "Story of a Scotch Collie in the old West."
Hochwalt, A.F. The Farmer's Dog--for Worth, for Profit, for Sport, Cincinnati Sportsmans Digest, Cincinnati, 1922.
Hodrien, Roy Book Five: Working GroupHogg, James A Shepherd's Delight: A James Hogg Anthology, edited and introduced by Judy Steel. Canongate Publishing Ltd. Edinburgh, 1985. Paper.* Memoirs of the Author's Life* Shepherd's Calendar The Mountain Bard, 1807 The Ettrick Shepherd's Tales, Tales and Sketches, The Hunt of Eildon. The Shepherd's Calendar, etc., including several pieces not before printed, William P Nimmo, London,1878 The Poems of James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, Walter Scott, London and Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1887 The Works of James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, Vols I-VI The Works of James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd: Tales and Sketches by the Ettrick Shepherd. William P. Nimmo, London and Edinburgh, 1878 Memorials of James Hogg, edited by his daughter, Mrs. Garden Alexander Gardner, Paisley, 1887 The Tales of James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd in two volumes Hamilton, Adams and Co., London, and Thomas D. Morison, Glasgow, 1886. Contains 19 short storeis or essays, including a tale called "The Shepherd's Dog").
Holland, Vergil Herding Dogs: Progressive Training, Howell Book House, 1995. Holmes, John Farmer's Dog, Popular Dogs Publishing Co. Ltd., London, 1960, 1986. Training manual.*
Hornsby, Alison (ed.) The Ultimate Border Collie, Howell Book House, 1998.* Howard, Tom The Illustrated Dog, Regency House Publishing Ltd., 1994. Large format art book, with paintings by a variety of artists. A chapter on "Guard and Herding Dogs" includes a pastoral scene with Border Collie type sheepdog, "The Mid Day Rest" by Walter Hunt (1861-1941); and "Patient Vigil" by Gourlay Steell (1869) with an old-fashioned working collie.*
Hubbard, Clifford Working Dogs of the World, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1947. Dogs in Britain, MacMillan and Co. Ltd., London, 1948. Hardbound. General handbook with chapters on each group of breeds. Includes a chapter on the Sheepdog Group. By "collie" the show collie is meant, but the Border Collie is described as "the Cumberland Sheepdog" and later, as the "Welsh Sheepdog".* The Observer's Book of Dogs*Hudson, W. H. Shepherd's Life, Macdonald Futura Publishers, 1979 (first published 1910). Paper. Fictionalized biography.* The Illustrated Shepherd's Life, The Bodley Head, London, 1987. Large format, hardbound. Beautiful new edition of the original, illustrated with drawings, paintings and photographs including a few lovely old photographs of shepherds and their dogs.*
Hulz, Fred S. and Hill, John A. Range Sheep and Wool in the Seventeen Western States? Hunter, R. G. Sheep Dog Training Explained, Training Methods of Ian Hunter, Record Printers Ltd., Bromcard, 1983. Training manual.* Hutchins, Monica Brocky, Abbey Press, Dorset, England, 1975. Fiction? "This enchanting true to life story of a young sheep dog (Border collie) struggle for survival unfolds against a beautifully observed West Highland landscape." Hutchinson, Walter Hutchinson's Dog Encyclopaedia, Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., London. Lengthy illustrated article on sheep dogs does not include the collies.* Iley, Tony Sheepdogs at Work, The Dalesman Publishing Co.Ltd., Lancaster, 1978/1989. Paper. Breed profile and training manual.* Ingram, Arthur Shepherding Tools and Customs, Shire Publications Ltd.,Aylesbury, 1977. Paper. Non-fiction, includes a chapter on "shepherd dogs" with old photos. Two editions each have different cover, older with an old photo of shepherd and dog, the newer with a detail from "Sheep Shearing", a watercolor by Frederick Taylor (c. 1864) that shows two sheepdogs.* Irish, Carl The Shepherd Of Shaniko Hill, Copyright 1978 by Carl Irish "A collection of stories about border collies, herding, sheep farming, etc., a private printing and very rare, green cover with picture of Border Collie." Jack, L.P. Mad Shepherds Jackson, Rev. T. Our Dumb Neighbors, George Routledge & Sons, New York, 1870. Religious/inspirational stories, illustrated with lithographs, some of which show dogs herding sheep.* Jenkinson, Marinda Roger, a Yorkshire Sheepdog, His Life and Letters, 1936. Fiction; letters written by the dog to his mistress. Jesse? Research into the History of the British Dog Jones, Edward Sheep-Dog Trials and the Sheep-Dog, Edwin Poole, Brecon, 1892. Jones, H. Glyn and Barbara C. Collins A Way of Life, Sheepdog Training, Handling and Trialling, Farming Press Ltd., Ipswich, 1987. Large format, hardbound. Autobiography, breed handbook, training manual.* When I originally reviewed this book (The Shepherd's Dogge, Winter 1988/89), I reviewed it together with John Templetons book, Working Sheep Dogs. Obviously that can't happen here, so I am forced to review them separately. A Way of Life was written by a romantic. We are transported with Glyn Jones back to his childhood and early sheepdog experiences in North Wales. We meet his father and see the town and countryside where he grew up through his own loving eyes. We get to know his family and his dogs, and feel how he cares for them. His chapters on training are practical, thoroughly explained, and admirably diagrammed (by Katy Cropper's sketches). The photographs are lovely. Jones is an excellent teacher, continually explaining why he does something and his philosophy comes through when he says "I try to develop my dog's abilities...in order to have him working to my requirements but without turning him into a robot. I want the dog to learn that when I ask him to make a particular movement he must obey, but that when I give no commands he can use his own head to work things out." Since Jones has had tremendous success in the trialling world, you will want to read this book (and it is very readable, even entertaining) and try out his methods.Jones, Marcia Thornton Champ, Scholastic 2007. Riley is not good at sports and wants to quit playing baseball, but his dad won't let him give up. When a three-legged Border Collie comes into his life, he doesn't know how he will take care of a dog and make his parents proud. Champ is a former show dog, but an accident leaves him with three legs and he has to learn to accommodate. Champ teaches Riley that winning doesn't always mean coming in first. They become a good team until... Jordan, Crace Home Below Hell's Canyon Kaleski, Robert Cattle Dogs & Sheepdogs, W.A. Gullick, Sydney, 1910. Australian Barkers and Biters, The Endeavour Press, Sydney, 1914, 1933. The history and description of Australian dogs, including purpose-bred dogs like the Barb, a cross between a smoth Border Collie and a Kelpie, bred specifically for herding in bush conditions. Karrasch, R.J. "Dick" Training a Stockdog for Beginners, self published, Alabama, 1985.* Kattell, Ted Pet Collie Katz, Jon A Dog Year--Twelve Months, Four Dogs, and Me, Random House, 2001. A diary of a year with a Border Collie. Excellent story, particularly good to read BEFORE adopting a Border Collie.* The Dogs of Bedam Farm, Random House 2004. A must-read for any potential back-to-the-landers.* Kaufman, Daniel Ireland: Presences, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1980. Photographs in large format, hardbound coffee-table book, with a couple of photos of Border Collies, including a blue merle on the cover.(?)* Keay, John Highland Drove, John Murray Ltd., London, 1984. Hardbound. Re-enactment of an actual cattle drove through the highlands, using sheepdogs.* Keller, Weldon Phillip Lessons from a Sheepdog, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1984. Inspirational. Kelley, R. B. Sheep Dogs, Their Breeding, Maintenance, and Training, Angus & Roberson, Sydney, Australia, 1942. Genetics, training, management. Principals and Methods of Animal Breeding Kelly, Niall Presidential Pets, Abbeville Press, NY, 1992. Of all the presidents of the U.S., only one, George Washington, had a collie, and this undoubtedly was a working dog on his farm at Mount Vernon. No mention of it in this book, but there is a painting in the book of the first president with Lafayette, and the dog appears in that. (?)
Kennard, David The Dogs of Windcutter Down, Headline Book Publishing, 2005 A description of a modern shepherd's life in Devon, England, with emphasis on the Border Collies that help him. A Shepherd's Watch, Headline Book Publishing, 2005. More of the same.
Kennel Club, The (UK) The Kennel Club's Illustrated Breed Standards, The Bodley Head, London, 1989. Large format, hardbound. Includes a section on the Border Collie, shown in breed in Britain. Lovely, full-page, color photographs.* KIlsby, Dita (ed.) Living With a Border Collie, Ringpress Books, 2000.* King, Rufus North Star King-Smith, Dick Babe, the Gallant Pig, Crown Publishers,Inc., New York, 1983. * Fiction, children's. A pig learns to herd sheep from a curmudgeon of a sheepdog. (Made into a movie in 1995 and there is a tie-in book called: Babe, The Sheep-Pig, Puffin Books, London, 1995.) Ok, let's just get it over with at the beginning of this review: the movie, Babe, is one of my all-time favorites. It's what you call "uplifting", and it is definitely fun. Well, here's news: the book from whence it came is equally wonderful, with lovely illustrations, and the movie stays pretty close to the book's plotline. The book has all the classic sheepdog themes: sheep rustlers, attack by stray dogs, uncertainty as to whether the hero was the attacker, and triumphant win at the sheepdog trials. After that, it couldn't be more different from any other sheepdog book you've ever read. But everyone knows that because they've all seen the movie. Now it's time to read the book! Kingwall, and Brenda Munitich South African Sheepdogs, Training & Trials, Tip Top Press, Greytown, S.A. History of the South African Sheepdog Association, training and trials.An undated photo of Eric Knight (1908-1943) and his dog, Toots.
(Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library)
Knight, Eric Lassie Come-Home, John C. Winston Co., 1940; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1971, illustrated by Don Bolognese, hardbound; Henry Holt and Co., New York, 1978, illustrated by Marguerite Kirmse, hardbound. Fiction, children's. Lassie is sold but makes her way home again, having many adventures on the way.*
Knight, L. J. A Guide to Training Sheep Dogs in New Zealand, Aukland, 1984. Paper. Training manual. Knight, Ruth Adams Valient Comrates Knowles, Anne Matthew Ratton, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1981. (Thanks to Hope Thomas for this book review.) Matthew Ratton is a wonderful book about a man and his dog--or rather, about a dog and his master. The man rescues the runt of the litter from certain death, and the devotion of the dog brings the man back to life after a tragic fire that scarred him physically and psychologically. It is interesting to read about farm life set in present-day England [as] the land is changing from farms to suburbia. Yet, the book shows respect for farming, the stewardship of the land and the rhythm of seasonal work, enriched by the devotion of man and dog. There is a certain calm reassurance about the story that is welcome in today's world. (This review first appeared in The Shepherd's Dogge, Spring 1990.) Knowles, Barry Sheep Dip. Cartoons.* Sheep's Eye View I & II. Cartoons. Shep and the Sheep. Cartoons. Sheep Droppings, Dalesman Books, 1986. Paper. Cartoons.*Knowles, Cecilia Kelpie, A Scottish Sheepdog, Evans Brothers Ltd., London, 1958. The story of a Border Collie trained to be a working sheepdog. Training instructions are given in detail. Laird, Elizabeth The Day Patch Stood Guard, Tambourine Books, NY, 1990. Children's fiction, delightful story of a BC and her relationship to a red tractor. Lovely watercolor illustrations by Colin Reeder. Lamb Shepherd's Guide to the Cumberland. Lamond, Henry G. Towser, Sheep Dog, EP Dutton and Co, Copyright 1955. "The enchantment of the unfamiliar characterizes this story of life on an Australian sheep station a decade after the turn of the century, This is a story of Towser the dog who became a legend in his lifetime. He is a real dog owned and trained by the author, this book is fictional." Land, Elizabeth The Day Patch Stood Guard, Tamborne, New York, 1990. Fiction, children's.
Lang, Don Tramp The Sheepdog, Grosset and Dunlap, Copyright 1938 by Story Parade Inc, 1943 by Grosset & Dunlap. "Story of Tramp who is befriended by Ruff a border collie. Ruff teaches Tramp how to be a true sheep dog. Tramp comes to the Buck Hodges ranch and follows Ruff. Sometimes he is a pest but in the end saves the sheep and is a hero. A childs book, old. Color illustrations." Larson, Janet E. The Versatile Border Collie, Alpine Publications, Inc., 1986, 1987. Large format, hardbound. Breed handbook and training manual.* Leask, Willie Bess, Tales of a Middle-Aged Sheepdog,The Shetland Times Ltd., Lerwick, 1985. Paper. Fiction, humor.* Lee, Rawdon B. The Collie or Sheepdog, Cox Publishers, London, 1890. A breed book. Legh, H.M. Cornwall My Dog Plato
Levin, Betty The Trouble With Grammary.* Away to Me, Moss, Greenwillow, New York, 1994. A young girl trains a Border Collie for trialling, and works through her own problems in the process. Look Back, Moss, Greenwillow Books, 1998.* Moss finds himself far from home and badly hurt after a disastrous rescue attempt. That'll Do, Moss, Greenwillow Books, 2002. Moss spends his days lying idly at the garden center. However, when his new owner's baby sitter convinces them to let her train him for sheepdog trials again, there follows a frightening chain of events. Lewis, Ernest Beth, a Sheep Dog, Macmillan, Toronto, 1934. Fiction. Story of a sheepdog in the Pennines of England *
Lewis, Kim The Shepherd Boy, Walker Books Ltd., London, 1990 (Four Winds Press, New York). Hardbound. Fiction, young children's. A young boy follows his shepherd father through the year, and receives a Border Collie puppy of his own for Christmas, along with a shepherd's whistle, crook, and cap his own size. As all of Kim Lewis' books, this one is charming and beautifully illustrated.*
Emma's Lamb, Candlewick Pres, Cambridge, Mass., 1991.* Floss, Candlewick Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1992. Hardbound. Fiction, young children's. An old man living in town takes his Border Collie to his son's farm in the country where she must learn to be a sheepdog.* First Snow, Candlewick Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1993. Hardbound. Fiction, young children's. A woman goes out to feed the sheep, taking her small daughter with her. While there, it begins to snow, and the mother, in her hurry to get home, rushes the child, who drops her teddy bear. sheepdogs to the rescue: one finds the bear and brings it home, saving the day.* Friends, Candlewick Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1997.* Just Like Floss, Candlewick Pres, Cambridge, Mass., 1998.* When Floss, a Border Collie, has puppies, the farmer says his children can keep one. But which should they choose? They like them all, but only one, Sam, is just like Floss. As usual, with Kim Lewis books, this one has gorgeous illustrations. Little Puppy, Candlewick Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2000. Beautiful illustrations on every page, one of Lewis'books, including Border Collies. This one is written for very young children and is simply adorable, a wonderful and well loved addition to any Border Collie book collection or library. "On Katie's farm a little puppy opens its eyes. Come along with Katie as she learns to hold her new friend. Kim Lewis perfectly captures life on a farm and a child's first experience with animals." Floss, a mini-version of the 1992 book, Walker Books, 2004.* A Puppy for Annie, Candlewick Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2005. When Annie brings Bess home, she wants to know what the puppy is trying to say. With Mom's help, the two friends learn about each other and the Border Collie learns what is expected of her. Lewis' usual gorgous pastel art.Libby, Tracy The Border Collie Lilico, James Fifty Years Amongst Sheepdogs, Australia? autobiography? Sheepdog Memoirs, Australia? autobiography? The Breeding and Training of Sheepdogs, Southland Press, Invercargill, NZ, 1919. training manual. Lindsay, Joyce and Maurice The Scottish Dog, Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen, 1989. Paper. Short stories and poetry about dogs by Scottish writers, with a selections on sheepdogs and collies.* Lithgow, Scott Training & Working Dogs for Quiet Confident Control of Stock, University of Queensland, Australia, 1988/1991. Paper. Training for cattle work.* Lloyd, A.R. The Farm Dog, Anchor Brendon Ltd., Essex, 1986. Fiction. A stray dog is taken in by a depressed farmer during World War II, and affects his life.* It's the 1940s in the south of England, there's a war on in France, and London is being bombed. Wilf Tuck, hedging one of his fields near the New Forest, comes upon a hungry stray dog and takes him hime. Zac (his name is on his collar!) is a mongrel with more than a little bit of collie in him, and he quickly becomes a valuable asset on the farm. Before he knows it, the gruff workaholic Wilf has given hs heart to the dog. But there is something mysterious about Zac. While this story is definitely about Zac,the human characters in the book actually have lives of their own. They are not just props against which Zac plays out his role. There's depth here, and the story has its share of humor and sadness, and even a few surprises. A positive addition to any sheepdog library. (This book review first appeared in The Shepherd's Dogge, Spring 1990.)
Longton, Tim & Edward Hart Your Sheep Dog and its Training, Alan Exley Ltd., Sussex, England, 1969. Training manual. The Sheep Dog, Its Work and Training, David & Charles, London, 1977. Hardbound. Training handbook.* Longton, Thomas & Barbara Sykes Training the Sheep Dog, The Crowood Press, 1997. Paperback edition, 2003.*
Luquet, Maurice Les Chiens de Berger Francais, de Vecchi, Paris, 1982. MacDonald, Angus A Lewis Album, Acair Ltd., Stornoway. Paper. A collection of historic photographs, several of which contain Border Collies. (?)* MacKellar, William A Place by the Fire, David McKay Company, Inc., New York, 1966. Hardbound. Story of a boy who fights to save the life of a retired working sheepdog.* A Dog Like No Other, David McKay Co. Inc., NY, 1965. Fiction. An odd-looking dog becomes a champion sheepdog Davie's Wee Dog MacLean, Charles Island on the Edge of the World, Canongate, Edinburgh, 1983. Contains some old photos with sheepdogs in them and a description of how dogs were used to round up sheep.* MacPherson, Margaret The Rough Road, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., New York, 1965. Hardbound. Fiction, children's. A boy escapes an unhappy home and learns to be a cattle drover.* Maine, G. F. A Book of Scotland, Collins, Glasgow, 1950. Small, hardbound volume An anthology of Scottish prose and verse, some of interest to sheepdog enthusiasts.* Malcolmson, David Yipe--The Story of a Farm Dog, 1961. Yipe becomes a working farm dog the hard way. She is dumped out of a car near a farm house and the owners take her in and train her to be a mouser--a dog that protects the apple trees and she also keeps unwanted people away from her mistress. Then Yipe meets Black Prince and has 5 puppies, including Tuffy, who causes alot of trouble. Yipe is a loyal dog and she shows clearly how much dog can mean to people.* Malden, W.J. British Sheep and Shepherding?Martino, T My Name Is Cap, self published, 2005 This charming book is sold in aid of Wolftown, a non-profit wildlife and rehabilitation facility. Matlock, Curtiss Ann White Gold, Harlequin Books, 1955. Yes, a romance novel, but it has sheep herding scenes in it.*
McCaig, Donald Nop's Trials, Crown Publishers, New York, 1984. Fiction.* Nop's Hope, Crown Publishers, New York, 1994. Sequel to Nop's Trials.* Eminent Dogs, Dangerous Men, Edward Burlingame Books, 1991. Autobiography. * A Useful Dog, University of Virginia Press, 2007. Short essays on sheepdog work and trials.
(The following review first appeared in The Shepherd's Dogge, Summer 1991.) Donald McCaig, author of the 1984 Best Seller, Nop's Trials, proves once again, with Eminent Dogs, Dangerous Men that he can write, and write engagingly. When he realizes that his 8-year-old Border Collie, Pip, is slowing down, McCaig decides to "make a pilgrimage" to Scotland for another dog. He takes off for three months, leaving his understanding wife in charge of the farm. In recounting his saga, McCaig manages to express all the feelings of insecurity any of us have ever felt on a trip to the homeland of the breed of dog that has so thoroughly won our hearts and entered our imaginations. He yearns for confirmation from his mentors. He interprets reserve as rejection. He makes a fool of himself and is embarrased at being conspicuous as an American. For the sheepdog zealot, this book is enormously captivating. Here are all our heros, canine and human, living and gone. If you sense I have mixed feelings about this book, you would be correct. I found the typos and misspellings (particularly consistent errors in the names of Scottish towns) distracting at best. Perhaps later editions corrected this. More importantly, I was rather taken aback by McCaig's rough handling of the personalities in his book. The British shepherds and farmers, sheepdog handlers and trainers, that appear in Eminent Dogs, Dangerous Men are not just characters in a book. They are real, living, breathing people: people we have heard about, people we know, people to whom we have often looked to for guidance in sheepdog matters. We possibly already know many of the things McCaig tells us about them, but I can't help feeling that by exposing their emotional baggage in print for all to see, he is pandering to prurient interests and perhaps betraying the hospitality they have shown him. McCaig is an excellent writer, and he is understandably interested in having his book accepted by as wide an audience as possible. So, his characters must indeed be characters. Furthermore, in order to write convincingly from the heart about a breed he loves, he must expose the breed to a popularity that he undoubtedly realizes in not necessarily best for the breed. Why else would he make such a feeble attempt at the finish of this book to dissuadethe general public from any notions of owning a Border Collie? Listen folks, we have the mostwonderful dog in the world. It's highly sensitive, extraordinarily intelligent, beautiful beyond belief, and we don't want you to have one! Come on! He must have known that anyone reading this book would have to have one of those fabulous dogs.![]()
McCaleb, Walter F. Ring, Prentice Hall, Inc., New York, 1921. Illustrated by Edwin Megargee.
McCloy, James Dogs at Work, Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1979. Various breed profiles including one on the Border Collie. Illustrated by Sheila Beatty.*McCulloch, John Herries Sheep Dogs and their Masters, Robert Dinwiddie, Dumfries, Scotland 1938. Revised edition, The Moray Press, Edinburgh, 1946. Reprinted edition with additional notes and photographs, Toft East Publishing, Lunenburg, Massachusetts, 1994. History.* Border Collie Studies, Pentland Press, Edinburgh, 1952. Breeding, training manual? Midget: The Tale of a Border Collie, Robert Dinwiddie & Co. Ltd., Dumfries, 1976. McCulloch, Robert W. Come, Jack
McGiffin, Lee High Whistle Charlie, Patton, New York, 1962. Fiction. "Story of a sheep drive with a fourteen year old boy, a highly trained sheep dog named Charley and a traveling Englishmen who knows nothing of sheep." Very good read.* McGuire, Frances Three and Ma Kelpie, Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd. Australia, 1964. Children's fiction based on fact, about a kelpie in Australia.
McLeavy, Adrienne Pet Owners Guide to the Border Collie, Ringpress Books, Ltd., Lydney, Gloucestershite, 1996.* McMorland, Alison Herd Laddie o' The Glen: Willie Scott, Shepherd and Singer, Tryst, 1988. Large format, paper. Biography of a Borders shepherd and folk singer, and words and music to his songs.* McNaughton, Neil Tat, a New Zealand Sheepdog, Collins, Auckland, 1970. Hardbound. Fiction. Tales place in South Island, NZ.*
McPhee, John The Crofter and the Laird, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York. Paper. Biographical & autobiographical.* Means, Ben The Perfect Stock Dog, self published, Walnut Grove, Missouri, 1970. Training manual. Meek, S.P. Boots, the Story of a Working Sheepdog, 1948. Fiction.*Miles, Ellen Flash, Scholastic Books
Mills, A. R., et al A Practical Guide to Handling Dogs and Stock, A.J. & A.W. Reed, Wellington, NZ, 1964. Training manual. "down to earth for man who handles sheep and cattle who trains and directs dogs to control stock. Chapters are Essentials in a dog, selecting a dog, training, temperament, outrun, recasting, huntaway, whistles, bitches, punishment, hacks, handling stock, yard work, drafting, mustering, lambing, shedding, docking, yarding, cattle work, etc" HuntawayMills, Enos A. The Story of Scotch, Houghton, Mifflin, Boston, 1916. Hardbound. Dog biography with photographs.* The Story of Scotch, reprinted 1998 by Alpine Publications, Inc., Loveland, Colorado.* Left, a statue of Enos Mills and his collie, Scotch, stands in his home town of Estes Park, Colorado. Miner, Julia The Shepherd's Song--The Twenty-Third Psalm, Dial Books for Young Readers, New York, 1993. Large format, hardbound. Illustrated psalm set in Mediterranean environment, with a Border Collie for the sheepdog.*
Mitchell, Colleen T. Border Collies, Text Book Information for Breeder, Judge, & Owners Self published, 2006. Mitchell, W. R. Life in the Yorkshire Dales, Dalesman Publishing Co. Ltd, 1980. Paper. Old photographs, including some of herding sheep with dogs.* Life in the Lake District, Dalesman Publishing Co. Ltd, 1980. Paper. Old photographs, including some of herding sheep with dogs.* Monk, Hazel Border Collie Rescue Moore, Ida Cecil Lucky Orphan, Charles Scribner's Sons, Copyright 1946, "Cynthia, an orphaned lamb, is adopted by Captain, the farm's collie, and their relationship turns into a lifelong companionship on Price Edward Island. A sweet story, told from the animal's point of view, complete with dialogue between the lamb and collie. Further enhanced with wonderful black and white sketches by Primrose." Moore, James L. The Canine King, Standard Newspapers, Victoria, Australia, 1929. "Working Sheep dog book by famous trainer, Border Collies, trialing, training, breeding, etc." Moorhouse, Sydney The British Sheepdog, H. F. & G.Witherby Ltd., 1950. History and training.* Moyal, Maurice On The Road To Pastures New, The Country Book Club, London, 1958. Small, hardbound volume. Biography. Transhumance in France.* Muncaster, Alice L. and Ellen Sawyer The Dog Made Me Buy It!, Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1990. A collection of old advertisements featuring dogs, several of which have old fashioned collie-type dogs.* Mundell, Matt Country Diary, Gordon Wright Publishing, Edinburgh, 1981. Paper. Britain's agricultural scene, with much about working and trialling sheepdogs.* Munitich, Brenda South African Sheepdogs Chummy, the Story of a Champion, De Jager-Haum 1986. Paper.* Ric, Rags & Plum Duff, De Jager-Haum, Pretoria, 1989. Plum Duff is a pig, who, a la Babe, refuses to be outdone by either humans or dogs. The Jabulani Mystery A Year on the Farm, Human and Rousseau, Cape Town, 1989. The Scar Ben's Buddy, DeJager-Haum, Pretoria, 1987. Tuff Guy, De Jager-Haum, Pretoria, 1992. Story of a sheepdog, a dolphin, and a mystery. Murdock, Marianne (compiler) Ranch Dog: a Tribute to the Working Dog in the American West, illustrated by Nancy Burgess. Willow Creek Press, Minocqua, Wisconson, ca. 2000 Nathan, S. M. Farm Dogs, Evans, Young Farmers Booklets, UK, 1956. Training manual. "Book about Farm dogs, with help from TH Halsall, John Holmes, W. J. Wallace, J. W. Boyd. This talks about dogs of the past, some breeds of today, buying a dog, looking after a dog, training and raising, breeding and raising puppies, health and illness, dogs and the law. Mainly about Border collies and training" Newman, Bill Larry and the Sheep Dog, Norqueen House, Australia, 1977. Children's fiction about a little boy and his Kelpie in Australia. New South Wales Sheepbreeders Association (publisher) Annual Sheep Show and Sheep Dog Trials Official Catalogue Newton, Peter Straggle Muster, A H & A W Reed, Copyright 1964, "writes of cooks and packies, wild cattle and working dogs, harvesting teams and shepherds, the men of south Island of New Zealand, mustering sheep, sheep dogs" Ten Thousand Dogs, A.H. & A.W.Reed, Wellington, NZ, 1971. Autobiography. "High country life plus dogs: the author was a shepherd, amongst other things, and this is his report on man's best farm friend. Stories of dogs doing work up in the high hills, using their training and natural sheep sense to seek out stray mobs and bring them back, set in New Zealand, about sheep dog, border collies, herding dogs, lots of photos" Niall, Ian One Man and His Dogs, Morrow, New York, 1975. Autobiography The Galloway Shepherd, Heineman, London, 1970. Autobiography Nicolson, James R. Shetland Folklore, Robert Hale, London, 1981. Illustrated by Martin Emslie. Paper. Has a short but excellent description of how Shetland Sheepdogs worked and were treated.* Nixon, David B. Walk Soft in the Fold, Futura Publications, Ltd., London, 1977. Paper. Biography.* Odell, Carol Working Dogs
O'Donnell, Elizabeth Lee Patrick's Day, Morrow Junior Books, New York, 1994. Illustrated by Jacqueline Rogers. Young children's fiction. Story about a boy. His dog is a Border Collie.* Ogilvie, Will My Life in The Open?
Ollivant, Alfred Bob, Son of Battle There are many editions of Bob, Son of Battle, as it remained a popular book from the time it was first published in 1898 until well into the 1950s and beyond.
Bob, Son of Battle, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1898. Fiction. A classic that should be read by all interested in the history of the shepherd's dog in Britain.* Bob, Son of Battle, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1921 edition. 4 1/2" x 7" format, hardbound in red with gold etching illustration of a Border Collie-type dog head-study on the cover. Frontispiece illustration a photogragh oa a boy sitting on a wooden fence, with a man standing leaning on the fence, farm buildings in the background, sheep in the foreground, no dog. Otherwise not illustrated.* Bob, Son of Battle, several different Grosset & Dunlap editions, dates unknown but copyright attributed to the earlier (1898) Doubleday edition, all hardbound, all illustrated with the same lithographs, Bob being portrayed as a Border Collie-type dog.* Bob, Son of Battle, Garden City Publishing Co. edition, date unknown, hardbound, illustrated by Marguerite Kirmse with color paintings of a grey Border Collie-type dog on cover and on separate plates, however the lithographs from the earlier Grosset & Dunlop edition remain.*
Bob, Son of Battle, a later Grosset & Dunlap was issued in a "Famous Dog Stories" edition, slightly larger format, with dust jacket and a color illustration of Bob watching over a flock of sheep on the front cover--Bob here looks more of a black-and-white show collie-type --otherwise the illustrations are the same as in the earlier editions.* Bob, Son of Battle, a 1926 hardbound Doubleday edition has photographs for illustrations throughout the book, some of herding scenes, with Bob being a true Welsh Grey-type.* Bob, Son of Battle, a Doubleday & McClure edition, 1900, hardbound, only. Owd Bob, The Grey Dog of Kenmuir, Thomas Nelson and Sons, London 1910. This is a slightly different version of Bob, Son of Battle.* Bob, Son of Battle, Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1956. A comic-book edition of the story, in which Bob looks like a black and white standard collie.* O'Reilly, Charles Training Working Livestock Dogs, Shamrock Farm Review, Red Wing, Minnesota, 1982. Training manual. Osborne, Margaret The Collie The Popular Collie Ostergren, Birgitta Vallhandan, Sweden, 1986. Outerbridge, David and Julie Thayer The Last Shepherds, The Viking Press, New York, 1979. Large format book of photographs of shepherds (and dogs) in Europe (including Britain).* Palmer, Robin Ship's Dog, Whitman, Copyright 1943 "Old Border Collie children tale about a boy who finds a Border collie and lives on a ship with him. The boy falls in danger and the Border Collie saves him. A classic and rare book for children." Palmer, William Thomas Odd Corners of Derbyshire, Skeffington & Sons, London. Parker, G. H. Jack: A True Story of A Clever New Zealand Farm Dog, The Auckland Sunday School Union, Auckland, 1937? Dog biography. Parkes, Viv Billingham (see Billingham, Viv) Parsons, A.D. (Tony) The working Kelpie The Australian Kelpie, Penguin Books, Australia, 1986 Pasco, Luke Heather Jean, the Working Sheep Dog, Sheep Breeder, Inc., Chicago, Ill., 1937. History of early trialling in the USA.* Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw Maggie, A Sheep Dog, Dodd, Mead, New York, 1986. Children's fiction. Photographs by William Munoz. Maggie is a Kuvasz, a Hungarian sheepdog.![]()
Paulsen, Gary The Haymeadow, Delacorte Press, New York, 1992. Illustrated by Ruth Wright Paulsen. A boy must care for his father's sheep alone all summer with the help of only four Border Collies.* My Life in Dog Years, Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1998. Illustrated by Ruth Wright Paulson. Gary Paulson is an American author who has written over 200 books. In My Life in Dog Years he tells about all the dogs he has had in his life, including Josh, a Border Collie.
Pennefather, G. Lionel Sheepdogs, self-published, County Cork, Ireland, 1967. Training manual. Perroff, Martha S. Your Registered Border Collie, Ledger, Ottowa, Ill., 1953. Breed book. Perry, Richard I Went a'Shepherding, Lindsay Drummond Ltd., London, 1944. Autobiography of a naturalist with references and photographs of sheepdogs.* Phelps, Margaret Toby On The Sheep Drive, Macrae Smith Co., Copyright 1949. Fiction. A 13 year old boy hires on for a sheep drive in Arizona. Philip, R. A. F. Afrighting Van Shoaphonde (Training Sheepdogs), Overberg Pers, Bredasdorp, South Africa, 1980. Training manual. Phipson, Joan Six and Silver, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, London, 1954. "Silver the Sheep dog (Border Collie) goes on a camping adventure with six people. This is about their adventure on the trip, a great book set in Australia" Pilgrim, Jane Rusty, the Sheep-dog, Brockhampton Press Ltd., Leicester. For young children. A red/white sheepdog of the BC-type (but with a shaggy face) rescues a doll for his friend, Joy. Pollard, Jack Wild Dogs, Working Dogs: Pedigrees and Pets, Reed, NZ, 1968. Anthology of stories, essays, poetry, etc., on dogs down under (including herding dogs). Potter, Beatrix The Fairy Caravan, Frederick Warne & Co., London, 1929. Fiction, children's, in which there are several sheepdogs.* The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck, Frederick Warne & Co., London, 1908. Fiction, children's, in which a sheepdog plays a major role.* Powley, Robyn L. A New Owner's Guide to Border Collies, T.F.H. Publications, Inc., no date.* Prentice, Amy Towser Dog's Story, A.L. Burt Company, Publishers, New York, 1906. A collection of children's stories about dogs (different breeds). Towser himself is a patterned white standard collie. Part of a collection called "Aunt Amy's Animal Stories".*Presberg, Carole L. The Working Border Collie, T.F.H. publishers, Neptune, NJ, 1998, written with Marjorie Quarton.* Available from The Shepherd's Dog online bookstore.
Prout, Jack Black Bob, the Dandy Wonder Dog,
D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd, Dundee. Cartoon series. These books are all antique (1950-1965), out-of-print, rare, and much sought after. When found, they are usually in fairly poor condtion. Black Bob is a collie-type dog (however, in at least one of the volumes it is said that "Bob is a Border collie, handsome in his black and white coat, and so wise in the ways of sheep and men that he handles the great flocks, which are in the charge of his bearded master, with seldom a word...to direct him"), who has many adventures and is often a hero. Most stories are in a cartoon format, beautifully illustrated, without any credit to the artist or any date. However, the work is generally attributed to Lancashire/Cornwall artist, Jack Prout, who worked for Thomson & Co. on their popular children's comic strip periodical, The Dandy, in which Black Bob was a regular feature. There are also some text-only short stories in most of the books, and each book usually has more than one story. The books each have a different color cover and spine and that's how they are identified. They are available from The Shepherd's Dog online bookstore.
Above, left, a photo of Jack Prout (1899-1978) from the Prout Family website. And above, right, a photo of Jack Prout and his Border Collie, Tim. Below, right, the early Black Bob looked more like a Border Collie.![]()
Prout, Jack THE VERY BEST OF BLACK BOB, THE DANDY WONDER DOG Geddes & Grosset/Waverly Books, Glasgow, 2010; D.C. Thomson & Co., Ltd., 2010 In June 2010, Geddes & Grosset/Waverley Books published a new edition of Black Bob, The Dandy Wonder Dog called The Very Best of Black Bob, The Dandy Wonder Dog. It is a beautiful volume, with an introduction by Morris Heggie, the editor from 1986-2006 of The Dandy, a children's comic book that began in 1937 and is still being published today. The introduction is full of old photographs and the history of Black Bob, who appeared in The Dandy from 1944-1982. All of the original "yearlies", which were published infrequently between 1950 and 1965, had several adventure stories, some in detailed comic book style, and some as illustrated short stories, and this one presents stories in both formats. In all my wanderings through the old Black Bob books, I wondered why the artist was never credited. As a writer this bothered me. It was just the style back then. The writers and illustrators worked for the publishers, and very few, if any, received bylines. A few years ago I found out that the illustrator of Black Bob was Jack Prout (1900-1978), a Lancashire artist who worked for D.C. Thomson & Co. This volume sets that wrong right in the introduction, which tells about Jack Prout's relationship to the publisher and the books. The original Black Bobs were beautifully illustrated, and this volume uses the old illustrations that belong with each story presented here. One thing that still bothers me: Jack Prout owned a Border Collie, and the original Black Bob looked very much like a Border Collie. It is explicitly stated that "Bob is a Border collie, handsome in his black and white coat, and so wise in the ways of sheep and men that he handles the great flocks, which are in the charge of his bearded master, with seldom a word...to direct him." (In fact, in the first story in this volume, "The Bravery of Bob", it is said that Bob won the "Supreme Championship of All Britain"--head's up, Barbara Carpenter: you will have to add Bob's name to the next edition of The Blue Riband of the Heather!) So why did Jack Prout change the look of Bob? Sometime early on, Bob stops looking like a Border Collie and begins to look more like a "Lassie" collie. His muzzle gets longer and his ears migrate to the top of his head. Nevertheless, Bob continues to herd sheep, and in The Very Best there are a lot of adventures that involve the herding of sheep. To be sure, Bob is given credit for more deeds of derring do than even the most incredibly intelligent Border Collie could ever hope to achieve, but we must cut the writers some slack, for after all, Bob was competing with Lassie (the original Lassie movie had just come out in 1943 and was resoundingly popular). That could also explain why Prout gave Bob a more show collie look. Another mystery was what was the date of any particular "yearly". Fans knew from the picture on the back cover, or from the color of the cover and spine, but no date was ever given. The Very Best of Black Bob solves the mystery in the introduction. For those of you who grew up with Black Bob, you are going to want to own a copy of this book. It is in the same format as the original Black Bob yearlies and so will fit nicely on your bookshelf next to your beloved old editions. For those of you who have just started to collect the Black Bob books in recent years, you will have to include this one in your collection. For a start, it is brand new and very inexpensive (unlike those rare, beat-up old volumes). And for those of you who are new to Black Bob or who have children or grandchildren who have never met the redoubtable Bob, this book will be a wonderful introduction.Puxley, W. Lavallin Collies & Sheep-Dogs, Williams & Norgate Ltd., London, 1948. History, breeding, showing and management includes information on shepherds and herding.* "Describes the various type of sheep-dogs used, and shows the qualities they display as housedogs or when required to look after sheep or cattle, what qualities makes them the most useful of dogs in tending and protecting their charges, or taking them place to place."*
Quarton, Marjorie All About the Working Border Collie, Pelham Books Ltd.,London, 1986. Breed handbook, training.* The Working Border Collie, T.F.H. publishers, Neptune, NJ, 1998, completely updated version of previous book by the author and with an extensive American half written by Carole L. Presberg.* The Farm Dog, A Beginner's Guide, Marjorie Quarton, no date. Training manual.* One Dog & His Man, The Blackstaff Press, Belfast, 1984. Humor.* One Dog & His Trials, The Blackstaff Press, Belfast, 1986. Humor.* No Harp Like My Own, William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., Glasgow, 1988. Fiction. A Border Collie guide dog for the blind gives a young man who suddenly goes blind the will to live.* Renegade. Fiction. Breakfast the Night Before. Autobiography. Saturday's Child, Andre Duetsch, London, 1993. Autobiography including a chapter on Border Collies.* One Dog, His Man and His Trials, Farming Press, Ipswich, 1993. Updated version of "One Dog" books.* Ralston Purina The Purina Farm Dog Book, Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, 1951.* Ramsey, Dean Reminiscences of Scttish Life and Character, T.N. Foulis, London & Edinburgh, 1912. Includes a couple of paragraphs about Scottish shepherds bringing their collie dogs to church.* Ranch Dog Trainer Ranch Dog Trainer's Puppy Book, Stoneledge Publishing, West Plains, Missouri, 1991. Training manual. Randall, Henry The Practical Shepherd: A Complete Treatise On The Breeding, Management And Diseases Of Sheep, D D T Moore 1863,11th edition. "Many engravings of Breeds, Dogs, Tools, Anatomy; Charts, Graphs, Pedigree, Tables; Includes: Fine-Wooled Breeds, American Merinos, British Breeds, Principles of Breeding, Cross Breeding, Spring Management, Summer Management, Prairie Sheep Husbandry, Diseases, The Sheep Dog" Sheep Husbandry (From the Shepherd's Own Book), C.M. Saeton, New York, 1854. Contains a section on sheepdogs. Rayner, Shoo Lamb Drover Jim, the Champion Sheepdog, Blackie and Son Ltd., London, 1988. Fiction, children's. Jim falls asleep, dreaming about winning the championship cut at the sheepdog trials, and wakes up to find all the sheep got out, and he must round them up. Sweet story with delightful cartoon-style illustrations.* Redwood, Miriam MacGregor A Dog's Life: Working Dogs in New Zealand, Reed, NZ, 1980. "sheep dogs are the stars of this book; Chapters are on sheepdogs, boundary dogs, heading dogs, huntaways, handy dogs, dog trials, etc.." Reid, H. G. Old Oscar, the Faithful Dog, L.S.W. Patridgge Publishers, 1863. Rennie, Neil Working Dogs, Shortland Publications, Auckland, 1984. New Zealand herding breeds handbook.* Richards, John Suey, the Sheep Dog, Lansdowne, Melbourne, Australia, 1972. Richardson, E.H. Forty Years with Dogs, Hutchinson & Co., London, 1930. War dogs. Riddle, Maxwell Dogs Through History, Dellinger Publishers Ltd., 1987. History of dogs in general.* Ritson, Lady Kitty Lad, the Story of a Border Collie, 1938. Ritvo, Harriet The Animal Estate--The English and Other Creatures in the Victorian Age, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1987. A history of the development of animal breeding for show purposes, with a chapter on "prize pets" that includes the dog fancy. Valuable reading for those that would like to understand the show cult, and British attitudes toward pets, animal control, and rabies.* Roberts, Prof. E. J. , M.A., M.Sc. Lecture On "Sheep And Wool From The Hills", Dept. Of Education of the International Wool Secretariat, 1955, "hill afforestation, scientific and mechanised farming, hill sheep, characteristics of hill sheep, wool from the hill sheep, shearing time, diseases in sheep, sheepdogs, hill shepherd, discussion" Robertson, Pope Anybody Can Do It, Rover Publications, Elgin, Texas, 1979. Training manual. Robertson, R.B. Of Sheep and Men, Alfred A. Knopf, 1957. Autobiography.* A city doctor and his photographer wife live for a year in the Scottish Borders on a sheep farm and write about their experiences. Good stuff on working sheepdogs as well. Roos, Georghe ("Bobbee") Collie Concept Rosenblum, Robert The Dog in Art from Rococo to Post-Modernism, Harry N. Abrams, Publishing, New York. For dog lovers in general, it has a copy of Robert Alexander's "The Happy Mother", a sable and white working collie, unfortunately in black and white.* Ruck, Ruth Janette A Place of Stones, Faber & Faber, London, 1961. Autobiography. "Story on a farm, sheep, herding etc" Russell The Canine King Sanderson, Angela The Complete Book of Austranlian Dogs, the Currawong Press, 1981 Sargent, W. The Useful Collie, Sentinel Press, Keene, New Hampshire, 1902. Training.Saunders, Roy Sheepdog Glory, Andre Deutsch, London, 1956. Autobiography and biography of a dog.* Craig of the Welsh Hills, Old Bourne, London, 1958.* Fiction. Craig, a sheep-dog, escapes into the hills during a car accident and becomes a sheep killer. Sayer, Angela & Edward Bunting Border Collies, The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd., London, 1988. Breed handbook.*
Schaefer, Jack Old Ramon, Houghton Mifflin Co., Copyright 1960. " Old Ramon, the wise sheep herder and his old dog, Pedro, must teach another generation about the ways of sheepherding. It is the son of his patron and the young black dog, Sancho, who must learn to protect and guide the sheep through all manners of danger -- storm, rattlesnake, and tragically the timber wolf." Scott, Bill Practical Stockdog Training Scott, Sir Walter The Two Drovers and Other Stories, Oxford U. Press, 1987. (?)* Scottish Daily Express Sheepdog Trial Program, Scotland, 1965. Scourfield, Elfyn The Welsh Farming Scene? Secord, William Dog Painting 1840-1940: A Social History of the Dog in Art, Antique Collectors' Club, Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1992. A section on "The Collie" includes several old-fashioned working types before the nose got long and the ears migrated to the top of the head, all unfortunately in black and white.*![]()
Sewel, Marion Bonnie Prince, An Autobiography of a Collie, A. Flanders, Chicago 1906. Dad brings home a black-and-white pup for his son. All goes swimingly, love affair between the son and his dog, until Dad looses all his money and the family has to move away. Prince is given away to an indifferent city man, who seems complicit in the subsequent kidnapping of Prince by Gypsies. The Gypsies train Prince to be a poultry thief until a farmer catches him and sends them packing, keeping the dog, who he sells to someone in the stockyards. Here's where the story goes classic: a stray dog comes into the yards and kills sheep, Prince saves a lamb, but gets blood on his face, and you guessed it. He is accused of the crime, nearly beaten to death, and barely escapes with his life. We aren't given a time-frame for any of this, but suffice it to say that Prince finds his way back to the city, is spotted by an old friend of the family who instantly recognises him, and he lives with her until his boy-now-grown owner reclaims him. Believe me, there's more! Ad tedium. I'll spare you. It's nicely illustrated, and has a nice photo of an old fashioned collie as the frontispiece.
Seymour, John The Shepherd, Sidgwick and Jackson, London, 1983. Philosophy. Journalist visits sheep farms. Illustrated by author's wife.* There are only three chapters in this book: "Mountain Shepherds-- Breeders of Ewes and Rams," "Lowland Shepherds--Midwives and Nursemaids," and "Man and Dog--A Ritual of Grace and Beauty". The book has promise. It begins with a tradional song, the "Gloucestershire Shepherds' Song". However I was somewhat disappointed with it. The shepherds in the book speak for themselves, and sheepdogs appear in all three chapters. However, I did not think the author understood working sheepdogs. He speaks of dogs "under radio control," while at the same time the shepherd himself is saying "the best dog has got more up here and he thinks about it." The illustrations are lovely.
Shaffner, Carroll S. Training a Working Collie, Carroll Shaffner, 1979. Breed handbook, training manual.* Shaw, Vero The Classic Encyclopedia of the Dog, Crown Publishers, Inc., New York, 1984 (originally published as The Illustrated Book of the Dog, 1879-81). All breeds handbook, including a chapter on "the Sheep- Dog".*
Shenlock, Patti Some Fine Dog, Holiday House, New York, 1992. Terry wants a dog but his mother can barely earn enough to feed the two of them. Then Terry finds a stray Border Collie and his mother relents, but only if he earns the money himself to feed Duffy. Terry's mother dreams that her son will earn a music scholorship to college and achieve a better life, but now Terry hopes that the dog will allow him to take the dog act he's always dreamed of on the road. What will it take to resolve this conflict? Shrine, Mary Shepherd Easton's Daughter, E. Arnold & Co., 1925. Novel.
Silvey-Jex Partnership, The One Dog And His Man, Dalesman Press, 1999/2005. Cartoons of a shepherd, sheep, and sheepdog. Simms, K.J. Springbok in Sunshine, 1940s. Autobiography. Smith, Croxton British Dogs, Collins, London,1946.*
Smith, Doris Sawyer Travels with a Collie, The Naylor Company, 1967 by Doris Sawyer Smith, " The author journeys from the SW to the East with Vally, her Border Collie. He is her best friend and it's a delightful book. True story" Spanjian, Beth Baby Lamb, Longmeadow Press, Stamford, 1988. Non-Fiction, very young children.* Spencer, Cailean An Ciobair (The Shepherd), Gairm, Glasgow, 1970. Gaelic lessons for young children.* This is a First Gaelic Reader. Beginning in Lesson 1 we are introduced to an ciobair ("a shepherd"), am bata ("a stick"), and an cu ("a dog"). Lesson 2 takes you from caora ("the sheep") through uain ("the lambs"). In lessons 3 through 7 you get more words you will need ot know when conversing about shepherding in Gaelic, started on phrases (an ciobair agus cu, "a shepherd and dog"), and end with the startling concept, cromag air bata ciobair ("the crook is on the shepherd's stick"). Basic stuff, this. But keep in mind that it is not aimed at adults wanting to learn to speak Gaelic at the sheepdog trials to impress their friends, but at young children who probably already have a conception of sheep farming and have likely heard Gaelic spoken at home. This would be their first introduction to written Gaelic, and it's nice that it's with a shepherd and sheepdog. (This review first appeared in The Shepherd's Dogge, Fall 1990.) Sprott, Gavin Robert Burns, Farmer, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1990. Biography of the poet, illustrated with many contemporary paintings and lithographs, many of which have working sheepdogs in them.* Stapledon, Olaf Sirius, Secker & Warburg 1944 (Penguin, 1964). Science fiction. The main character is a Border Collie whose intelligence has been genetically boostered so that he thinks and reasons like a human being, and tragically falls in love with the scientist's daughter. Pretty far fetched.* Stephanitz, Capt. v. The German Shepherd Dog, Verein Fur Deutsche Schaferhunde, 1950 (1918). Breed handbook with section on herding.* Stevens, Lesly Footrot Flats, the Dog's Tale: The Making of the MovieStokes, G. Vernon The Drawing and Painting of Dogs Stokes, Vernon, and Harnett, Cynthia Banjo, the Puppy Bob Tail Pup, Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., London, 1944. Children's lit. Story of two shepherd's children and an Old English Shepherd pup. There are working Fell Collies (Border Collie type dogs) on the farm, but the OES learns to herd sheep. Ducks and Drakes, Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., London, 1942. Children's lit. Story of three children from London who are sent to live on a farm. There is a Border Collie in this delightfully illustrated story. Two and a Bit, Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., London, 1948. Childrens lit. Story of two children whose father runs a boarding kennel. Lots of dogs, but no BC.
Stoneley, Jack Scruffy, Random House, Inc., 1978. Paper. Story of an abandoned and rescued Border Collie.* Storey, Lisa Bha Siod Ann Reimhid (Once Upon a Time), Club Leabhar, Inverness, 1975. Gaelic short stories including "The Dogs Among the Cabbages" illustrated with sheepdogs.*![]()
Stranger, Joyce Rex, Harville Press Ltd., London, 1967. Fiction. Story of a sheepdog, born in the wild, trained to work by a farmer; and of the devotion between a boy and a dog.* Flash, Collins & Harvill Press, London, 1976. Fiction. An orphen boy adopts a runt Border Collie, and then is separated from him.* A Walk in the Dark, 1978, Corgi Paperback Edition 1979. The story of a collie man who is blinded and must learn to live again with the help of a Labrador Retriever. Steve, used to training sheepdogs, should handle a guide dog with ease, right? He couldn't have been more wrong... Spy, The No-Good Pup, J.M. Den & Sons Ltd., London, 1989 Fiction. Spy, an intelligent but sometimes wayward sheepdog born on a smallholding in Wales, has to prove his worth.
Sutherland, Temple The Sixty Million Muster? Sutton, Catherine G. The Observer's Book of Dogs, Frederick Warne Ltd., London, 1945. (New edition 1978.) All (British) breeds handbook, including the Border Collie.*Swann, Barbara Beaumont The Versatile Border Collie, Nimrod Press Ltd., Alton, Hants., England, 1988. Breed book.* The Complete Border Collie, Howell Book House, New York, 1995. Breed book.* Bracken's Progress, 1981. Obedience & general training. Taggart, Mari Sheepdog Training, an All-Breed Approach, Alpine Publications, 1986,1991. Training.* Taynton, Mark Shetland Sheepdogs Templeton, John with Matt Mundell Working Sheep Dogs: Management and Training, The Crowood Press, Marlborough, 1988. Training handbook.* John Templeton is a well known and respected breeder/handler in the British Sheepdog scene. While the description of the sheep farmer's year in Ayrshire, Scotland, in the introduction is fascinating, Working Sheep Dogs was essentially written by a pragmatist. There are no charming stories. This is a down to earth, practical presentation of John Templeton's training style. His training methods rely somewhat on the presence of an older, fully trained dog during the tutoring sessions with the young dog, in order to set up situations properly and keep them from going awry. How many of us have such a dog available to us when we go to train a young dog? However, consciously or unconsciously, following some of the things he said when I went to train my own dog, I found they worked! Of course they worked! So yes, the book is somewhat dry and practical, but the wisdom the author imparts makes this book well worth reading. (This book review appeared in a larger article in The Shepherd's Dogge, Winter 1988/89.) Terhune, Albert Payson (1872-1942)
Lad, A Dog *, first published by E. P. Dutton, New York, 1919. Bruce, first published by E. P. Dutton, New York, 1920. Buff, A Collie *, first published by George H. Doran, New York, 1921. His Dog, first published by E. P. Dutton, New York, 1922. The Further Adventures of Lad, first published by George H. Doran, New York, 1922. Lochinvar Luck, first published by George H. Doran, New York, 1923. Treve, first published by George H. Doran, New York, 1924. The Heart of a Dog *, first published by George H. Doran, New York, 1924. Wolf, first published by George H. Doran, New York, 1925. The Faith of a Collie (originally Treasure), first published by Harper, London, 1926. My Friend the Dog, first published by Harper, New York and London, 1926. Gray Dawn, first published by Harper, New York and London, 1927. Highland Collie (originally The Luck of the Laird), first published by Harper, New York and London, 1927. Lad of Sunnybank, first published by Harper, New York and London, 1929. The Way of a Dog *, first published by Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1932. Sunnybank: Home of Lad (originally The Book of Sunnybank), first published by Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1934. Real Tales of Real Dog, first published by Saalfield, Akron and New York, 1935. Includes the story of "Bobbie, the Three-Thousand-Mile Collie". True Dog Stories, Illustrated by Diana Thorne, first published by Saalfield, Akron and New York, 1936. Includes several collie stories. The Critter and Other Dogs, first published by Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1936. Unseen, first published by Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1937. The Best-Loved Dog Stories of Albert Payson Terhune (originally The Terhune Omnibus), first published by Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1937. A Book of Famous Dogs, first published by Doubleday-Doran, Garden City, 1937. Includes several collie stories. Dogs of the High Sierras (originally Grudge Mountain), first published by Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1939. Collie to the Rescue (originally Loot!), first published by Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1940. Great Dog Stories, first published by Random House, New York, 1993. Includes a number of Terhune's collie stories from other volumes. The Lost Stories of Albert Payson Terhune, Compiled by Kristina T. Marshall. Thomas, Elizabeth The Hidden Life of Dogs*
Why Terhune, when he mostly wrote about collies (a.k.a., "standard collies", "show collies", "Lassie collies")? For one thing, I, like many dog people, grew up loving the stories. For another, I had a friend who swore that Terhune was actually writing about Border Collies, or at least she imagined Terhune's collies were Border Collies. Then, the collie is a cousin of the Border Collie, developed from the same working collie stock of the 19th century. And finally, because the very prolific Terhune wrote really good stories about courageous, faithful dogs with, as he would say, "heart", and we can all use a little of that in our lives. The portrait of Terhune, left and a good part of the list of Terhune's books come from the very excellent website of Wayne Lewis, and the individual books link back to each of his pages on that book, where you will find more information on them and photos of the various editions. The one's marked with an asterisk (*) are available through The Shepherd's Dog online bookstore.
Thomson, Iain R. Isolation Shepherd, Bidean Books, Inverness, 1983. Autobiography. Excellent descriptions of dogs working.* Thorpe, Denis and Alan Dunn A Shepherd's Year, David & Charles, North Pomfret, Vermont, 1977. Photographs.* Toulson, Shirley The Drovers, Shire Publications Ltd., Aylesbury, 1980. Non-fiction with section on dogs.* Lost Trade Routes, Shire Pubs. Ltd. 1980. Non-fiction, some stuff on drovers, though nothing on dogs. (?)* Towne, Charles Wayland, and Wentworth, Edward Norris Shepherd's Empire? Trantor, Nigel Smoke Across the Highlands, 1964
Turnbull, Agnes Sligh Jed, the Shepherd's Dog, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1957. Illustrated by Sari. Children's lit. The story of a Scottish family and their sheepdog, Jed, who is on hand to rescue one or another of the children when he is needed, herd the sheep, and of course, win the sheepdog trial.* Rob Goes a'Hunting, Orchard Books, New York, 1990. Fiction, children's.?
Turner, David The Showman Shepherd Varnon, Jim Because of Eve, Eve Publishing, Texas, 1986. Training manual. Vessey-Fitzgerald Book of the Dog* The Domestic Dog, London, 1957. Contains section on sheepdogs. Vidler, Peidje The Border Collie in Australasia, Gotrah Enterprises, New South Wales, 1983. Breed handbook.*Voigt, Cynthia Angus and Sadie, Zazuella Books. Illustrated by Tom Leigh. Voss-Bark, D.L. One Man's Dog, 1966 Wadham, Samual Australian Farming 1788-1965?
Wager-Smith, Curtis Animal Pals, A Collection of True Stories, Macrae-Smith, Chicago, 1924. Contains two stories of Border Collie heros, "Tokalon to the Rescue", and "Bobbie, The Wonder Dog of Oregon", which is also the dog told about in Charles Alexander's Bobbie, A Great Collie.* Walden, Arthur Treadwell Leading a Dog's Life, with illustrations by A.L. Ripley, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1931. Reminiscences told from a Border Collie's point of view.* Waldo, Fullerton Rex Walterson, F. S. Gaf it Aff (Laugh it Off), The Shetland Times Ltd., Lerwick, 1984. Humor: cartoons.* Weir, Ester The LonerWentworth-Day, J. Wisest Dog in the World, Some Account of the Longshaw Sheep-Dog Trials Association, A. Ward, 1975. History.* West, Joyce Drover's Road Cape Lost
Weston, Robert Bryn, Brynhaven Books, Ludlow, UK, 1994. The adventures of a young Border Collie. Illustrated by Marie Sutton.
Williams, Tully Working Sheep Dogs: A Practical Guide to Breeding, Training and Handling Landlink Press, 2008. Willon, W.D. and H.O. An Album of Dogs
Wills, Barclay The Downland Shepherds, Alan Sutton Publishing, Gloucester, 1989; first published in 1927 under three titles: Downland Treasures, Bypaths in Downland, and Shepherds of Sussex. Non-fiction. Wonderful old photographs, many of shepherds with sheepdogs. Some descriptive writing about sheepdogs.* Shepherds of Sussex, Skeffington & Son, Ltd., London. Downland Treasure, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1929. Bypaths in Downland, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1927. Wing, Joseph E. Sheep Farming in America
Whyte, William The Sheepdog: Judging and Conduct of Trials and the Art of Breaking, Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd., Auckland, NZ. Training manual. "A comprehensive and practical textbook dealing with the system of judging sheep dog trials in New Zealand and type on the show bench and with the general management and conduct of trials, and presenting an exhaustive treatise on the art of breaking in and working sheepdogs, the whole based on successful and lifelong practical experience. Border collies." Wolff, Ashley Come With Me, E. P. Dutton, New York, 1990. Fiction, children's. A young boy anticipates life with his new Border Collie puppy. Indicative of how popular the Border Collie has become as a pet, even though there are a few farm scenes among the adventures of boy and dog, there is no mention that herding might be among them. *Wolfram, Hanel Abby Wons, Tony Your Dog and My Dog, from Tony Wons' Famous Radio Scrap Book, The Reilly & Lee Co., Chicago, 1935. A collection of "scraps" (photographs, quotes, very short stories and poems) by a variety of people, about dogs, with some of interest to sheepdog enthusiasts.*
Wood, Rev. JG Natural History Picture Book for Children: Mamalia (1861, Routledge, Warne, & Routledge). This volume has a section on the shepherd's dog. Wood, Ruth C. Mystery of the Absent Neighbors Wood, Wendy Mac's Croft, E. P. Dutton, New York, 1949. Autobiography. Woods, G. E. The Crofter's Cartoon Book, Volumes 1 and 2, Browns, Glendale, 1988 and 1989. Humor: cartoons.* Sit, The Jolly Collie Book, Browns, Glendale, 1989. Humor: cartoons.* Wrightson, John Sheep Breeds and Management? Youatt, William The Dog, 1845 Young, Robert, and Company The Shepherd's Guide, A Guide to the Diseases of Sheep and the Care and Training of Sheepdogs PERIODICALS--Commercial (not affiliated with a particular organization) Freedom of Spirit, bi-monthly magazine, £15/year, Golcar Farm, Spring Lane Nr. Bingley, West Yorksire, BD16 3AU, UK, Website: http://www.bordercollies.co.uk Northeastern Sheepdog Newsletter, monthly newsletter, shut down in 2007 The Ranch Dog Trainer, bi-monthly magazine, $22.00/year, P.O. Box 599, Ellendale, TN 38029-0599. Website: http://www.ranchdogtrainer.com/* The Shepherd's Dogge, quarterly journal, no longer in print, Woolgather Farm, 51 Farwell Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879-1007 Email: shepdog@gis.net Website: http://www.gis.net/~shepdog/Shep_Dogge* The Working Border Collie, bi-monthly magazine, $25.00/year, 14933 Kirkwood Road, Sidney,OH 45365.* Website: www.working-border-collie.com/ Working Sheepdog News, quarterly magazine, was incorporated into the International Sheepdog News, the newsletter of the International Sheepdog Society. Email: workingsheepdog@googlemail.com Website: www.isds.org.uk/
Left, The cover of the May 1934 issue of Hausefrau magazine has this beautiful painting of a woman and two sable collies by Adelaide Hiebe
Right, The Graphic, a summer issue with an illustration showing a sheepdog. The Graphic (1869-1932) was a British weekly illustrated newspaper, founded by William Luson Thomas, a wood engraver and social reformer. It ceased publication after producing 3,266 issues. In its heyday, it was a great success and employed many artists and writers of the day, including George Eliot and Thomas Hardy, and was a rival of the Illustrated London News.
Left, an old issue of TVGuide (ca mid 1990s) shows Eddie (a Jack Russell Terrier from the TV sit-comFrazier) and Murray (a tan and white Border Collie from the TV sit-com Mad About You.
Right, a 1907 issue of Harper's Weekly magazine has a tinted photo of a woman and a collie.
ARTICLES--in Non-Sheepdog, National (US, Canada, & UK, etc.), Periodicals Bennett, Austin "The Hill Farmer's Best Friend", The Field magazine (UK), July 1993.* Clarke, Robin "The Border Collie", Country Journal, June 1981.* Dearth, Kim D. R. "Border Collies, The Workhorses of the Canine World", DogWorld, August 2000.*Friedman, Amy "Dog Day Afternoon", Harrowsmith (Canada), June 1994, photographs by Pierre St. Jacques.* Grauberger, Janice "Sheepdogs at Their Best", National Wool Grower, November 1987.* Holland, Robert "The Smartest Dogs of All", Yankee magazine, February 1988.*
The cover from the August, 2004, Dog & Kennel magazine
Horton-Bussey "Bordering on Collieholism", Dogs Today magazine (UK), October & November 1995.* Household, Nicki "The Killer Instinct Under Control", BBC Radio Times (UK), 4-10 May 1985.* Hughes, Richard "Training Sheepdogs", Animals, (Canada), Vol. 1, No. 16, 1960s (no date)*
Jabs, Cynthia "Border Collies", Country Living magazine, October 1991.* Jex, Silley Cartoon in Cumbria and the Lake District Magazine, September 2000.* James, Helen Lee "Working for a Living: Judging the Border Collie, the quintessential blue-collar dog", AKC Gazette, October 1995. Great photos, including cover.* Martin, Bobi "Sheep Herding Trials Honor Dogs' Working Heritage", DogWorld, April 1995.* Martin, Nancy "Sheepe Dogges", Harrowsmith magazine, May/June 1977.* McCaig, Donald "The Border Collie", Dog Fancy, June 1986.* "A Working Dog", The Atlantic magazine, February 1991.* Presberg, Carole L. "Border Collies--Hardworking Dogs", Black Sheep Newsletter, Fall 1986.* "The Shepherd's Dog", Spin-Off magazine, Spring 1994.* "Shepherd's Dog: The Border Collie", Farm & Country Market Place, July 1996.* Richardson, Sheila "The Karate Black Belt with a Delicate Touch", Cumbria and the Lake District Magazine, September 2000. An article about artist Peter Skillen, includes a photographs of a painting of a Border Collie. Siino, Betsy Sikora "Instinctive Treasurers", Dog Fancy, May 1994.* Tracy, Anne "A Good One is Worth Four Hired Hands", Yankee magazine, September 1976.* Webber, Teresa "Keep on Herding", Dog Fancy, June 1986.* VIDEOSCome Bye! and Away! The Early Stages of Sheepdog Training, Farming Press, Ipswich, 1991. Features H. Glyn Jones. * That'll Do! Widening the Sheepdog's Experience, Farming Press, Ipswich, 1992. Features H. Glyn Jones.* Take Time! Training Your Dog From Farm Work to Trialling, Farming Press, Ipswich, 1995. Features H. Glyn Jones.* Training and Working a Border Collie, Rural Route Videos, River John, Nova Scotia.* Ewe Were Made for Me: Sheepdog Training for Beginners and Enthusiasts, self published, no date. Features Bruce Englefield.*
1993 British International Sheepdog Championship, Rural Route Videos, River John, Nova Scotia, 1993.* Frisbee Dogs Training Video, Skydog Productions, Burlington, North Carolina. Features Peter Bloeme and his Border Collie, Whirlin' Wizard.* Starting Your Border Collie on Cattle, Sheep, and Ducks, Rural Route Videos, River John, Nova Scotia
FILMS ABOUT BORDER COLLIES/SHEEPDOGS OR IN WHICH BORDER COLLIES APPEARAnimal Farm, 1999 made for television movie, with talking animals, including some sheepdogs.* Babe, Universal Studios, 1995. A verson of Babe, the Gallant Pig by Dick King-Smith, staring James Cromwell and Magda Szibanski. A beautifully done, uplifting story, where animals talk. Babe, the pig, is taught to herd sheep by a kindly sheepdog, and goes on to win the sheepdog trial.* Down And Out in Beverly Hills, Touchtone, 1986. Staring Nick Nolte, Bette Midler, and Richard Dreyfuss, this very funny film features a Border Collie named Matisse (played by Mike the Dog).* Dusty, Gil Brealey (Australia), 1990. Fiction. An elderly sheep drover working on a sheep station buys a kelpie pup. The pup is accused of being a sheep killer, and instead of allowing him to be shot, the drover leaves the station to camp out in the bush. When he dies, Dusty goes for help, earning himself a place at the station.* Fairy Tale, A True Story, Paramount, 1998. The story takes place in Yorkshire, and there is a brief scene where two boys and a Border Collie drive a small group of sheep through a busy street.* Heck's Way Home, Atlantic Films Ltd. (Canada), 1982. Fiction. Heck is inadvetantly left behind when his family moves and has to travel a great distance to find them, having many adverntures along the way.* Owd Bob, British Picture Corporation, Ltd. 1938. A version of the Bob, Son of Battle story, staring Will Fyfe. Owd Bob, Columbia Tristar, 1997. A verson of the Bob, Son of Battle story, staring James Cromwell and Colm Meaney.* The Proud Rebel, staring Alan Ladd. There is a smoothcoated Border Collie in this movie, and some scenes of him working sheep.* Rob Roy, MGM 1995, staring Liam Neeson and Jessica Lange. Rob Roy has a Border Collie, though he is never seen herding the cattle that Rob and his fellow reevers (cattle rustlers) drive over the hills.* Thunder in the Valley, 20th Century Fox, 1947. A verson of the Bob, Son of Battle story, staring Lon McCallister, Peggy Ann Garner, Edmund Gwenn and Reginald Owen.*
[Above, right, a poster advertising the 1947 movie, Thunder in the Valley (a.k.a., Bob, Son of Battle)
with kind permission from Betty Gillis, of La Vernia, Texas, who was fortunate enough to make this find on eBay.]
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and maintained by webmeistress Carole Presberg
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